More than 33 million people around the world are currently living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). While huge progress has been made in increasing access to HIV treatment in the past decade and new HIV infections have substantially declined in some regions, the pandemic continues to outpace efforts to control it. The number of newly infected people each year outnumbers those who gain access to treatment by two to one.

Defeating HIV will require a comprehensive response, and effective programs must be scaled up to treat people already infected and prevent new infections. New tools are also needed to defeat the pandemic, and investment in research and development for new products remains essential. UCSF researchers address issues across the range of HIV/AIDS studies.

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Active Projects: 1304

Project Investigator All Topics Start date End date
Natural History of Anal Neoplasia in HIV-Infected Men Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS
Immediate Salvage Therapy w/ Combination ART plus T-20 vs. A 16 Week Structured Treatment Interruption Followed by Combination Therapy plus T-20 Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Study of the Cost and Efficiency of HIV Prevention in Developing Countries James Kahn, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Health Economics and Effectiveness
NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS
Vaccine to Prevent HIV Infection in Pregnancy and Newborns Raul Andino-Pavlovsky, PhD HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Newborn and Infant Health
Mpowerment Project Training Agreement Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention, Patient and Peer Education
HIV and STD Intervention Research for Young Men in Prison HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care
PCP OPW Specimens Laurence Huang, MD Opportunistic Infection
BCP and HBAC Cost-Effectiveness Analysis George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Engagement in Care, Treatment Adherence, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building, Patient and Peer Education
The Connie Wofsy Women's HIV Study Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Phase III Study: Safety & Efficacy of Daptomycin Compared to Conventional Therapy in the Treatment of Subjects w/ infective endocarditis or bacteremia due to Staphylococcus aureus Henry Chambers, MD Opportunistic Infection
Use of r-hGh to Enhance Thymopoiesis and to Facilitate Immune Restoration in Individuals Infected with HIV-1 Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Building Capacity in the Estimation of Unmet Need for HIV Care James Kahn, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Chemoprophylaxis and HIV-Host Interactions [I] Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
UCSF/PHP Men of Color Program Outreach Worker Program HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care
Women's Specialty Program Infrastructure Support Contract Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Interruption of Enfuvirtide in Patients Experiencing an Incomplete Virologic Response to Enfuvirtide-Based Combination Antiretroviral Regimen Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Crossing Boundaries: Continuity of Medical Care for Incarcerated Adults Jacqueline Tulsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care
Medical Pharmacy Consultation Team E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
JCF/Bransten Grant HIV/AIDS
HPV and Cervix Neoplasia in a Large, Long Term HIV+ Cohort Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Aging
Development of an Integrated Social Franchising/ Health Co-op Model to Address TB and HIV among Poor in Sub-Saharan Africa Dominic Montagu, DrPH HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Health Economics and Effectiveness
Twinning Center E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians, Patient and Peer Education
Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group Immunology Core Laboratories Diane Wara, MD HIV/AIDS, Pediatrics
HIV Testing, Prevention and Treatment in Health Centers Survey Tool Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
HIV/AIDS Collaborative Health Model for Nursing Education Carmen Portillo, RN, PhD, FAAN HIV/AIDS, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Cohort Study of Patients Receiving Long-Term Combination Therapy [II] Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Women and Infants Transmission Study - Human Papillomavirus Protocol Joel Palefsky, MD Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology, Women's Health
State Minority AIDS Project 3 (SMAP3) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS
International AIDS Research and Prevention Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
Population Genetics of the PO1 Locus of SIV and HIV-1 Eric Delwart, PhD HIV/AIDS, Transfusion Medicine, Genetics, Epidemiology and Surveillance
HPV and AIDS Malignancies Clinical Trials Consortium (AMC) Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Behavioral, Basic, and Clinical Studies of PEP HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Adolescent Modules - AETC Web Site Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Training and Capacity Building
VA HIV Website Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS
PPG Development and Management Services Warner Greene, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
Sustaining Vietnam's First Anonymous HIV Testing and Counseling Center Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc HIV/AIDS, Health Economics and Effectiveness, Access or Barriers to Care, Stigma and Discrimination
UCSF HIV/AIDS Management Training Programs Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
UCSF/PHP Men of Color Program - Outreach Worker Program HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
Mpowerment Project Training Agreement Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building, Patient and Peer Education
Chicago Women's Interagency HIV Study Consortium (WIHS) Biostatistical Data Analyses Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Epidemiology and Surveillance
HIV Translation Research for Young African American MSM Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care, Engagement in Care, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Sexual Risk of Minority Women and their Male Partners Hong-Ha Truong, PhD, MS, MPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Homeless Youth: Street Culture, Social Networks and HIV-Risk Colette L. Auerswald, MD, MS HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Access or Barriers to Care, Stigma and Discrimination
Mentorship for Dissertation: Resistant to Treatment: Medicine, Molecules, and the Global Politics of Drug-Resistant HIV Vincanne Adams, PhD HIV/AIDS
For the Sarlo Teaching Award of the UCSF AIDS Research Institute John Greenspan, BDS, PhD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Primary Care Services- Non Severe Need - Ward 86 HIV/AIDS
Leadership Group for the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health
International AIDS Education and Training Center E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building
SMART Anal Dysplasia Sub-Study Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Cancer/Oncology
WIHS Treatment Exposure and Viral Rebound Study / AIDS Research Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Treatment Intensification for Drug-Resistant HIV Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
The Use of Nelfinavir During Acute or Early HIV Infection - Safety, Tolerability, Durablilty and Resistance HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Building Community Partnerships: Case Studies at Three HPTN Sites Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Health Systems Strengthening, Training International Scholars and Clinicians
Global AIDS Technical Assistance Triangulation Project and Case Study in Botswana George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group (PACTG) Immunology Core Laboratories Diane Wara, MD HIV/AIDS, Pediatrics
Health Evaluation of the Young Man Study Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Using ELI Data to Guide HIV Prevention in California Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) Executive Committee HIV/AIDS
Street START (Street Testing and Rapid Testing) Project Colette L. Auerswald, MD, MS HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Access or Barriers to Care, Stigma and Discrimination, Engagement in Care
HIV-Related Oral Diseases Among Women in Harare John Greenspan, BDS, PhD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Health-Related Interventions for Persons Living with HIV Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group (AACTG): Pharmacology Support Laboratory Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS
National HIV/AIDS Clinicians' Consultation Center Ronald Goldschmidt, MD HIV/AIDS
NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS
A Clinical Trial of DOT for HAART in Jailed Drug Users / AIDS Related Jacqueline Tulsky, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV/STD Prevention Among Angolan Military HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention, Patient and Peer Education
Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Prevention for HIV-Positive Persons: An Intervention for HIV Care Providers Carol Dawson-Rose, RN, PhD, FAAN HIV/AIDS
Evaluation of Web Based HIV Risk Behavior Surveillance Among Men Who Have Sex With Men HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
Enfuvirtide Intensification for Multi-Drug Resistant HIV Steven Deeks, MD Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Unit (AACTU) Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
An HIV Prevalence and Risk Behavior Survey of Male Sex Workers in Shanghai, China Kyung-Hee Choi, MPH, PhD HIV/AIDS
Enfuvirtide Treatment Intensification in Patients with Multi-Drug Resistant HIV Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Role of Innate Immunity in Controlling HIV Infection HIV/AIDS
Randomized Controlled Trial of 6% Cellulose Sulfate Gel and the Effect on Vaginal HIV Transmission Ariane Van der Straten, PhD, MPH Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
UCSF AIDS Research Training Program HIV/AIDS, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Outreach-based STI and HIV testing for street youth in San Francisco Colette L. Auerswald, MD, MS Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Stigma and Discrimination, Risk Reduction and Prevention
T Regulatory Cells and T Cell Activation in HIV Disease Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group (PACTG) Pharmacology Support Laboratories Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS
Recombinant Picornaviruses as AIDS Vaccines Raul Andino-Pavlovsky, PhD HIV/AIDS
AHEC/HETC - California Border Health Education Training Center HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Women's HIV Pathogenesis Program/Gender Effects on HIV Biology HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Developing a Network-based HIV Prevention Intervention for MSM in China [I] Kyung-Hee Choi, MPH, PhD HIV/AIDS
Gender Effects on HIV Biology - Viral Pilot Project HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Medical Pharmacy Consultation Team E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Gender Effects on HIV Biology Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Strengthening HIV Counselor Training in the Republic of Uganda Philip Darney, MD, MS HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Training International Scholars and Clinicians, Patient and Peer Education
Oral Manifestations of AIDS John Greenspan, BDS, PhD HIV/AIDS
Innate NKT Cells in HIV Infection HIV/AIDS
Documenting the Impact Claire Brindis, DrPH HIV/AIDS
Impact Evaluation in Malawi George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Zimbabwe San Francisco HPTN Fogarty Training / International AIDS Training Program HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Phase 1/2 Trial of Pharmacological HIV-1 Prevention Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS
HIV Prevention for African American Down Low Men Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care, Risk Reduction and Prevention, Patient and Peer Education
Making Better Decisions: Policy Modeling for AIDS and Drug Abuse [II] James Kahn, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Health Economics and Effectiveness
Expanding the Role of Nursing in the Care of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania HIV/AIDS
HIV Controllers: A Potential Model for HIV Eradication Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology
HIV Health Services - Program Database Services HIV/AIDS
Positive Health Access to Service and Treatment (PHAST) HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care, Health Systems Strengthening
UMDNJ / WHO Dept. of HIV/AIDS "Development of an Annotated Inventory of PMTCT Tools and Guidelines" Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health
Positive Health: Advanced Nurse Practice Education Carmen Portillo, RN, PhD, FAAN HIV/AIDS, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training, UCSF Professional Education
Drugs, Gender and Healthcare Use among HIV+ Homeless Elise Riley, PhD HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health, Substance Abuse
The Social Context of HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health
Positive Health Access to Service and Treatment (PHAST) HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care
UCSF/PHP Men of Color Program (MOCP) HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
Ward 86 Mental Health-GF James Dilley, MD HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health
Examining ART Adherence Issues in Bangalore, India Maria Ekstrand, PhD HIV/AIDS
International Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies (ITAPS) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS
Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Tenofovir and Emtricitabine in HIV Negative Thai Women Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
San Francisco National Clinical Trial Center, ESPIRIT Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Ryan White Title IV Program: Integrated Family Services Network / AIDS-related HIV/AIDS
Lutheran MC US-Caribbean HIV/AIDS Twinning Initiative Ronald Goldschmidt, MD HIV/AIDS, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building
NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Evaluation of Adherence to National Guidelines on HIV Prevention for HIV-infected Patients in Clinical Care in Nine US Clinics Who Serve Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Treatment Adherence, Health Systems Strengthening
HIV Treatment Training for Clinical Setting HIV/AIDS, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Structural Biology and Targeted Drug Design for AIDS HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Herpesviral Gene Expression in Kaposi's Sarcoma HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology, Genetics
Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Youth Services in San Francisco Colette L. Auerswald, MD, MS HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Adolescent Modules - AETC Web Site (Cont.) Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Training and Capacity Building
Twinning Center E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians
HIV/AIDS and Family Planning/Reproductive Health Linkages Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Family Planning
HSV-2 Avidity Testing for Intervention for Male Sexually-Transmitted Disease (STD) Patients in India Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS
Microbicides Trials Network HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
The Connie Wofsy Womens' HIV Study Ruth Greenblatt, MD Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
The Zimbabwe-San Francisco HIV Prevention Trials Unit HIV/AIDS
Coming Together to Overcome HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe and Zambia HIV/AIDS
HIV Risk Reduction for Women with Incarcerated Partners HIV/AIDS
A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy to Reduce Transmission of HIV-1 in Serodiscordant Couples HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Family Planning, Risk Reduction and Prevention
A Phase I Safety Trial of the Diaphragm in Zimbabwe Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Family Planning
Preventing HIV by Protecting the Cervix HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Valganciclovir to Reduce T Cell Activation in HIV Infection Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Immunology
Therapeutic Strategies for HIV Disease Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV Shedding from the Female Genital Tract Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Mpowerment Project Training Agreement Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Training and Capacity Building, Patient and Peer Education
Networking and Mentoring Meeting: HIV Prevention in Minority Communities Program HIV/AIDS
Developing a Network-based HIV Prevention Intervention for MSM in China [II] Kyung-Hee Choi, MPH, PhD HIV/AIDS
Women, Children, and HIV Website (DBS) Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health
Outpatient Services Ward 86 HIV/AIDS
Hormonal Contraception and the Risk of HIV Acquisition HIV/AIDS, Family Planning
Anal HPV Infection and ASIL in HIV+ and HIV- Women Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
UMDNJ / "Tanzania PMTCT Training Package" Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics, Training and Capacity Building
XI International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV Edward Murphy, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Transfusion Medicine
CFAR International Scientist Training Awards / International AIDS Training Program Paul Volberding, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
International AIDS Training Program George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Strong African American Families (SAAF) HIV Prevention Program HIV/AIDS
Mechanisms of Bartonella Virulence in AIDS Patients HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology, Risk Reduction and Prevention
International AIDS Training Program HIV/AIDS
Impact of ART on Sexual Behaviors in Kisumu, Kenya Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
State Minority AIDS Project (SMAP) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV Prevention for African American Down Low Men Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care
Late Starter Study George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS
An Intervention for Male STD Patients in India / HIV Related Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS
Immunologic and Virologic Features of Early HIV Infection HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Community-Based HIV VCT: Zimbabwe Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
A Probe to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability & Immunogenicity of the MRK Adenovirus Serotype 5 Vector Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 gag Vaccine in HIV-1 Infected Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS
Providers' Perceptions of the Diaphragm in Southern Africa and the United States Cynthia Harper, PhD Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Training International Scholars and Clinicians, UCSF Professional Education
California Division Special Research Scholar Grant in HIV-Related Cancers Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Training in HIV Primary Care - Uganda Clinicians Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Abbott Preceptorship HIV/AIDS
Collaborative HIV Prevention in Minority Communities Torsten Neilands, PhD HIV/AIDS
HIV/TB in Uganda: Punctuated Antiretroviral Therapy Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis
International Randomized, Controlled Phase 3 Trial of DB289 Versus Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole for Treatment of Acute Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumnia (PCP) in Patients with HIV/AIDS Laurence Huang, MD HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Role of Innate Immunity in Controlling HIV Infection HIV/AIDS
Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Youth Services in San Francisco Colette L. Auerswald, MD, MS HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Grant Agreement #27475 - AIDS 2031: UW-UCSF Research Symposium of HIV in Women Paul Volberding, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Phase III Randomized , Placebo-Controlled Trial of HSV-2 Suppression to Prevent HIV Transmission Among HIV Discordant Couples HSV-2/HIV Transmission Study Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
North American AIDS Cohorts Collaboration on Research and Design Margot Kushel, MD HIV/AIDS
Elite Controllers Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology, Genetics
HPV-Specific T Cell Responses and Anogenital HPV Disease in Women of the WIHS HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology, Women's Health
Environment and HIV Risks among Unstably Housed Women Elise Riley, PhD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Access or Barriers to Care
A phase III trial to investigate the efficacy, tolerability & safety of TMC125 as part of an ART including TMC114/RTV and an investigator-selected OBR in HIV-1 infected subjects w/ limited to no treatment options Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Web-Based, Structural HIV Prevention in MSM's Networks Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
A Phase III Multicenter Randomized Study of the Biological and Clinical Efficacy of Subcutaneous Recombinant, Human Interleukin-2 in HIV-Infected Patients with Low CD4+ Counts (SILCAAT) James Kahn, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Health Economics and Effectiveness
Faith-based HIV Prevention for African American MSM Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS
Perinatal Hospital Training E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Newborn and Infant Health
Assessing Laboratory Correlates of Immune Protection Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
High-Quality, High Volume Cataract Surgery at Aravind as a Model for Male Circumcision James Kahn, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Surgery and Anesthesia, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Developing A Sexual Network Intervention for HIV Prevention Colette L. Auerswald, MD, MS HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Blood Donation and HIV Prevention in China Vincanne Adams, PhD HIV/AIDS
Ward 86 Outpatient Services/Perinatal Services HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
Sexual Reproductive Health/HIV Linkages Evidence Project HIV/AIDS
A Random Control Trial (RCT) of HIV Adherence Case Management and Modified DOT Margot Kushel, MD HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Minority Communities HIV Prevention Research Training Torsten Neilands, PhD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
AIDS Stigma and Gender: Health Consequences in Urban India Maria Ekstrand, PhD HIV/AIDS
Clinical Care Response Team Introduction of Antiretroviral Therapy in Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Sites Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building
Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS
HIV Prev Case Management Tech Assistance, Curriculum Dev and Training George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
HIV Group Facilitation Curriculum Development and Training George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Viral Tropism and Immune Control in HIV HIV/AIDS
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation International Clinical Research Fellowship Program Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Cancer/Oncology, Cardiovascular Disease, Oral Health, Neurology and Mental Health, Women's Health, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health, Immigration and Migration, Training and Capacity Building, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Amphetamine-Type Stimulant (ATS) Use HIV among Young Female Sex and Entertainment Workers in Cambodia Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS
A Prospective Cohort Study of the association between HIV and Malaria Incidence and Response to Antimalarial Therapy in African Children Philip J. Rosenthal, MD HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Pediatrics
Probing Below the Surface: Development of a Molecular Diagnostic Assay to Detect Emergent Viral Escape Variants HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development
HIV Positive Women's Interactions With Pharmacy System Jennifer Cocohoba, PharmD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Economic Opportunity for Zimbabwean Adolescent Orphans Philip Darney, MD, MS Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS
The Incidence of Bacillary Angiomatosis in Uganda Infectious Disease, Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Opportunistic Infection
Interactions Between HIV and Malaria in African Children Grant Dorsey, MD HIV/AIDS, Malaria
Gilead Drug Donation for Antiretroviral Therapy of AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma in Africa Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Merck Drug Donation for Antiretroviral Therapy of AIDS-Related Kaposi Sarcoma in Africa Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Aripiprazole Treatment for Methamphetamine Dependence Among High-Risk Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) Eric Vittinghoff, PhD HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse and HIV: Genetics and Disease Progression Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
Measurement of Alcohol Use among HIV-Positives in Uganda Judith Hahn, PhD, MD HIV/AIDS
Treatment of Acute Hepatitis C Virus in HIV Co-Infection Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS
Center of Excellence for Transgender HIV Prevention E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care, Stigma and Discrimination
Bartonella Virulence Mechanisms in Patients with AIDS Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, HIV/AIDS
Development of a Live Topical Microbicide for Women Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Multidrug-Resistant CA-MRSA Infections Among HIV+ Persons: CA AIDS Grant ID07-REI-129 Henry Chambers, MD Infectious Disease, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Deferasirox (Exjade)-AmBisome Therapy for Mucormycosis (DEFEAT Mucor) Opportunistic Infection, Drug and Diagnostics Development
HIV Prevention for Transgender Individuals Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care
Monitoring and Evaluating the State Legislative/Regulatory Framework of HIV Testing Laws to Facilitate Implementation of HIV Screening in Health-care Settings Ronald Goldschmidt, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
PCP OPW Specimens/Uganda Project Support Laurence Huang, MD Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection
The Neuropathobiology of Primary HIV-1 Infection HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health
A Randomized, Double-Blind Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Prophylactic Use of Maribavir Versus Oral Ganciclovir for the Prevention of Cytomegalovirus Disease in Recipients of Orthotopic Liver Transplants Opportunistic Infection, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
WHO Cochrane Project: Systematic Reviews for GRADE Profiles for HIV Infected Children George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Pediatrics, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Long Term Follow-Up of Patients Enrolled in Clinical Trials (#A-9602, A-9604, A-9801) Using Retroviral Gene Based Therapies / AIDS related research Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
WHO Cochrane Project: PMTCT Project George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
WHO Cochrane Project: Antiretroviral Therapy Project HIV/AIDS
Couples-Based HIV Prevention in South Africa Lynae Darbes, PhD HIV/AIDS
Perinatal Hospital Training E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Newborn and Infant Health
Enhancing HIV Testing, Linkage to Care and Partner Services in San Francisco HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Molecular Epidemiology of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Mexico HIV/AIDS
Ultra-Low Viral Detection Using the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Assay HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Prevention in Peruvian Men Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Chemoprophylaxis and HIV-Host Interactions [II] HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Prevention with Positives Carol Dawson-Rose, RN, PhD, FAAN HIV/AIDS
Support for Male Circumcision Evaluatation Meeting George Rutherford, MD Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial of a Novel CCR5 Antagonist, UK427,857, for the Treatment of Antiretroviral-Experienced HIV-1-Infected Subjects Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Sarlo Award for Excellence in Teaching for the AIDS Research Institute at UCSF John Greenspan, BDS, PhD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis and CVD in HIV+ Women Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
HIV/TB in Uganda: Punctuated Antiretroviral Therapy Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis
Protocol # ADMA-001: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Ranging Trial Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of RI-001 in Medically Immunosuppressed Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infected Patients at Risk of Lower Tract RSV HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Chronic Care HIV/AIDS Multi-Disciplinary Program (CCHAMP) HIV/AIDS
Tibotec TMC125-C214: Early Access of TMC125 in Combination with Other Antiretrovirals in Treatment-Experienced HIV-1 Infected Subjects with Limited Treatment 0ptions Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
She's Living Positive Health Fair HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
Center for International AIDS Support, Training, and Evaluation (CIASTE) / University Technical Assistance Project in Support of the Global AIDS Program (GAP) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
The Determinants of T Cell Activation in HIV Infection Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
Valley Fever Vaccine Project George Rutherford, MD Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Opportunistic Infection, Occupational and Environmental Disease, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Thymic Function in Adults With HIV-1 Disease Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
Improving HIV/AIDS Training and Delivery Services in the Caribbean E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Training and Capacity Building
Phase IV Open-Label, Non-comparative Trial of IV Anidulafungin followed by Oral Azole Therapy for the Treatment of Candidemia and Invasive Candidiasis HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Project SEARCH Nigeria HIV Prevention Project George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Triangulation, Training and Capacity Building
Recruiting, Engaging, and Retaining Families for Interventions to Prevent HIV Transmission and Infection in Delinquent African American Adolescents on Probation HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care, Treatment Adherence
The Medical Consequences of Different Types of Heroin Daniel Ciccarone, MD, MPH Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
Immunological Targeting of APOBEC Proteins to Cure HIV Infection HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Fogarty International AIDS Training Paul Volberding, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
T003: International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group IMPAACT Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics
Design of an Effective Vaccine against HIV: An Alternative Hypothesis Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
Microbicide Pregnancy Registry--Microbicide Trials Network Juan Vargas, MD Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Women's Health, Family Planning
Central Nervous System Events in Primary HIV Infection Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health
AIDS International Training and Research Program, Consortium Planning Supplement Christopher Stewart, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
HIV, Hepatitis C, and Pruritus: Data from the Women's Interagency HIV Study Toby Maurer, MD Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
HIV Treatment for Research Subjects or By Researchers in Kenya Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Pilot Telehealth Project to Increase Access to Health Services for African American Men Living with HIV or AIDS HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care
Development and Validation of a Diagnostic Tool for HIV Dementia HIV/AIDS, Dementia and Cognitive Impairment
The New York PEPline Ronald Goldschmidt, MD HIV/AIDS, UCSF Professional Education, Patient and Peer Education
International HIV ARV Adherence, Resistance and Survival (REACH) Margot Kushel, MD HIV/AIDS, Treatment Adherence
Maintenance Strategies for Homeless Youth's Reductions in HIV Risk Acts HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
AIDS Policy Research Center [II] Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Health Economics and Effectiveness, Access or Barriers to Care, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training, Patient and Peer Education
Women, Children, and HIV Website Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Patient and Peer Education
Ward 86 Outpatient Services/Perinatal Services HIV/AIDS, Newborn and Infant Health
Targeting Acute HIV Christopher Pilcher, MD HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention Microgrant Program E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
Training in HIV Translational Research Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
A Master Agreement: HPV Testing of Samples from the AIDS Malignancy Consortium Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology, Women's Health
UCSF-Kaiser Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health Program Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Noncommunicable and/or Chronic Disease, Cancer/Oncology, Cardiovascular Disease, Diet, Exercise, and Obesity, Dementia and Cognitive Impairment, Women's Health, UCSF Professional Education
Role of Innate Immunity in Controlling HIV Infection HIV/AIDS
Integrating HIV/STI Prevention/Treatment in China Kyung-Hee Choi, MPH, PhD HIV/AIDS
Atripla Adherence and Resistance Relationships [I] Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Treatment Adherence
Atripla Adherence and Resistance Relationships [II] Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Treatment Adherence
A8851009: A Prospective, Randomized Trial Comparing the Efficacy of Anidulafungin and Voriconazole in Combination to that of Voriconazole Alone When Used For Primary Therapy of Proven or Probable Invasive Aspergillosis Opportunistic Infection, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Cidofovir for Perianal Dysplasia in HIV Patients Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
An Endogenous Retroelement Vaccine against HIV-1 HIV/AIDS
Monitoring and Evaluating the State Legislative /Regulatory Framework of HIV Testing Laws to Facilitate Implementation of HIV Screening in Health-Care Settings Ronald Goldschmidt, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Hepatitis C Clearance in HCV, HTLV-I and HIV co-infected Patients in Salvador, Brazil Chloe LeMarchand, MS, MD HIV/AIDS, Infectious Disease, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Aripiprazole Treatment or Methamphetamine Dependence Among High-Risk Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) Eric Vittinghoff, PhD HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
Evaluating the Implementation of the CDC's Revised Recommendations for HIV Testing in U.S. Healthcare Settings HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Implementation and Behavioral Science
The Neuropathobiology of Primary HIV-1 Infection HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health
Integrating Family Planning into HIV Care and Treatment Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
ADS-TCAD-P0206: TCAD Oral for Treatment of Influenza A Diane Havlir, MD Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Satellite Symposium at Microbicides 2010 on Bacterial Therapeutics Craig Cohen, MD, MPH Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Raltegravir Intensification in Antiretroviral-Treated Patients Exhibiting a Suboptimal CD4+T Cell Response Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Clinical Studies of Interactions Between HIV and Malaria Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Malaria
UZ-UCSF Clinical Trials Unit Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
WHO Cochrane Novel Strategies to Prevent MSM HIV/AIDS George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
HIV Prevention among High-Risk Men in South Africa Timothy Lane, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Testing Sponsor's Antiretroviral Enzyme Immunoassay Method Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS
Entecavir Intensification for HIV-HBV Coinfected subjects with persistent HBV viremia Anne Luetkemeyer, MD Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Immunosenescence Profiles of Atypical Cases of Kaposi Sarcoma in Well-Controlled HIV Infection Toby Maurer, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
HIV Facilitated Paracellular Penetration of HPV across Mucosal Epithelium Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV-HEP C Website Maintenance Services Susan Coffey, MD Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
The Development of a Tool to Identify Peripheral Neuropathy and HIV Associated Dementia HIV/AIDS, Dementia and Cognitive Impairment
Content from UCSF Physicians for J. Joseph Speidel, MD, MPH Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Family Planning, Adolescent Health, Patient and Peer Education
HIV Effects on the Central Hematolymphoid System Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
Oral Wash for Nucleic Acid Diagnosis and Prognosis of TB in HIV-Infected Ugandans HIV/AIDS
Chronic Care HIV/AIDS Multidisciplinary Program (CCHAMP) HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health
Southeast Partnership for Health, Center of Excellence HIV/AIDS
Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health
I-TECH International AIDS Education and Training Center E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians
Do Differences in Community Viral Load Explain Disparities in HIV Incidence? Eric Vittinghoff, PhD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Engagement in Care, Treatment Adherence, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Pain and Misuse of Prescription Opioids in a Community-Based HIV-Infected Cohort Margot Kushel, MD HIV/AIDS
Innate Immune Response Genetics and T cell Activation in Treated HIV Infection Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
Innate Effector Function and HIV-1 Control Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology
HIV Incidence Testing in Hair Christopher Pilcher, MD HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Treatment Adherence
T003: Oral HIV/AIDS Research Alliance at UCSF Caroline Shiboski, DDS, MPH, PhD HIV/AIDS, Oral Health
International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials/ ICR INSIGHT Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Master Agreement: International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials/ICR INSIGHT Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
The Development of a Tool to Identify Peripheral Neuropathy and HIV Associated Dementia HIV/AIDS, Dementia and Cognitive Impairment
GH Tech Project: MNCH/FP/HIV George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Improving and Evaluating HIV Response Implementation Norman Hearst, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Health Economics and Effectiveness, Policy and Standards of Care
Task Order # 7: Supplement to SSS A5254 Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Oral Health
Task Order # 9: Supplement to SSS A5272 Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
IMPAACT: International Maternal Pediatrics Adolescent AIDS Clinic Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics
Task Order Supplement to A5267 Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Task Order # 6: Supplement to SSS A5257 Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
Biomarkers that Predict the Response of AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma to Antiretroviral Therapy and the Risk of Developing Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Inflammatory and Clinical Consequences of Low-Level Viremia in HIV-1 Infected Patients HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Ultrasensitive Monitoring of HIV-1 Drug Resistance Reversion Following Transmission with Drug Resistant Virus HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Women's Health, Newborn and Infant Health
Stored Blood Specimens HIV/AIDS
HIV Entry Inhibitors: A New Therapeutic Option Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Immunoprotective Effects of Lopinavir/Ritonavir in HIV-Infected Patients in Sub-Saharan Africa Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
The Impact of Food Insecurity on HIV Outcomes and Sexual Risk Behavior in Uganda Sheri Weiser, MD HIV/AIDS, Malnutrition, Micronutrients, Food Insecurity, Risk Reduction and Prevention
International HIV-Associated Opportunistic Pneumonias (IHOP) Study Laurence Huang, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV and Lung Complications in the ART Era: Focus on Obstructive Lung Disease Laurence Huang, MD HIV/AIDS, Chronic Respiratory Disease
Valley Fever Vaccine Project 2010 George Rutherford, MD Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Opportunistic Infection, Occupational and Environmental Disease, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Protective immunity in HIV Highly Exposed but Uninfected Subjects HIV/AIDS
Innovative Methods for Measuring Antiretroviral Exposure Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS
North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Biomarkers of Atherosclerosis Risk in HIV-1 Infection Elizabeth Sinclair, PhD HIV/AIDS
Subcontract from UFL Prime: HIV/FIV-Cat-Model: A model to identify vaccine epitopes HIV/AIDS
Identification of the CD8+ Cell Antiviral Factor (CAF) HIV/AIDS
Malawi Christians and Muslims: HIV Prevention and Care Sally Rankin, FNP, FAAN HIV/AIDS
Computer-Based versus Interpersonal HIV Preventive Intervention for Delinquent Youth HIV/AIDS
Opioids & HIV Medications: Interactions in Drug Abusers HIV/AIDS
Center for AIDS Prevention Studies Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS
Impact of a Computer-Assisted SBIRT Program in an HIV Care Setting Carol Dawson-Rose, RN, PhD, FAAN HIV/AIDS
TO#5 ACTG-Clinical Research Site - Community Health Promoter Position Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
UCSF/Ragon Collaboration on HIV "Elite" Controllers Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Immunology, Genetics
Identification of Anti-HIV Lead Compounds Targeting Adam Renslo, PhD Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, HIV/AIDS
CNS Immune / Inflammatory Biomarkers in HIV Controllers Richard Price, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Oral Wash for Nucleic Acid Diagnosis and Prognosis of TB in HIV-Infected Ugandans HIV/AIDS
Understanding the Acceptability of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to Prevent HIV among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender People in California Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Changing HIV Transmission Behavior in HIV-Positive Men James Dilley, MD HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention, Patient and Peer Education
Tissue-Based Small Animal Model for HIV Drug Discovery HIV/AIDS
Navigator Enhanced Case Management for Jail Inmates HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care, Stigma and Discrimination
Sexual Harm Reduction for HIV+ Gay Men (Prevention with Positives) HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
AIDS Policy Research Center Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Health Economics and Effectiveness
Cell Mediated Immunity in HIV-Infected Children HIV/AIDS
Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Prevention in Men Expansion Study [III] David Glidden, PhD HIV/AIDS
DDI study between HIV drugs (Efavirenz) and Coartem Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS
The Immune Response to Acute Perinatal HIV Infection Margaret Feeney, MD HIV/AIDS
Integrating Family Planning Services into HIV Care and Treatment in Nyanza Province, Kenya - Phase II Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Perinatal HIV Prevention Services E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Rifabutin Based Therapy for Eradication of Staph Carriage in HIV-Infected Individuals with Prior Skin Structure Infections Henry Chambers, MD HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection
HPV Infections and Associated Morbidity in Children and Adolescents Perinatally Infected with HIV Anna-Barbara Moscicki, MD HIV/AIDS, Pediatrics, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Aripiprazole to Reduce Methamphetamine Use among MSM with High-Risk HIV Eric Vittinghoff, PhD HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management of Cryptococcus Infection (Meningeal and Non-Meningeal) George Rutherford, MD Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection
Social/Sexual Networks & HIV Risk: Men of Color Kyung-Hee Choi, MPH, PhD HIV/AIDS
Teaching in Excellence Award for the AIDS Research Institute John Greenspan, BDS, PhD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Clinical Care Response Team Introduction of Antiretroviral Therapy in Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Sites Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Pediatrics
HIV Effects on the Central Hematolymphoid System Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
Role of Innate Immunity in Controlling HIV Infection HIV/AIDS
International Mobility of HIV: ARRA Administrative Supplement Hong-Ha Truong, PhD, MS, MPH HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
HIV Emergence of Drug Resistance Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Regulatory T Cell Influence on Infant and Adult Immune Responses to HIV HIV/AIDS
HIV Neurocognitive Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial of CNS-Targeted HAART HIV/AIDS
UCSF-GIVI Center for AIDS Research . Paul Volberding, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Family Service Networks - Centers of Excellence HIV/AIDS
Transgender Materials Development E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
Food Insecurity: A Key Structural Barrier to HIV/AIDS Care Sheri Weiser, MD HIV/AIDS, Malnutrition, Micronutrients, Food Insecurity, Access or Barriers to Care, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Inactivation of HIV-1 by Metalloporphyrin Compounds HIV/AIDS
Innate Immunity and Autophagy in Elite Controllers HIV/AIDS
Prevention Umbrella for MSM in the Americas Henry Chambers, MD HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
The Neuropathobiology of Primary HIV-1 Infection Richard Price, MD HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health
HIV/HSV Study Completion Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Treating HIV-Infected Elite Controllers as a Model of HIV Remission HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Inflammation, T Cell Senescence, and Mortality in Treated HIV Infection Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
Consequences of an Intervention to Promote the Pasteurization of Breastmilk to Reduce the Transmission of HIV from Mothers to Their Breastfed Infants Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Preventing the Establishment of Enfuvirtide-Resistance in the Latent Reservoir Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
Oral Drug Treatment for Enhanced Immune Control over HIV Replication HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Women's Health, Pediatrics, Adolescent Health
International Maternal Pediatrics Adolescent AIDS Clinic (IMPAACT) Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Women's Health, Pediatrics
XV International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV and Related Viruses Edward Murphy, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Infectious Disease, Transfusion Medicine
Virologic and Host Factors Contributing to HIV Control in Elite Controllers HIV/AIDS
AIDS Clinical Trials Network (ACTG) -- Peter Hunt Task Order Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) TTSG Services Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Community Health Promoter Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
Supplement to ATCG A5254: Assessing HIV-Related Oral Mucosal Disease and Using Saliva to Measure Viral Load Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
T Regulatory Cells in HIV Infection HIV/AIDS
HIV Proteomic Center for Host-Viral Responses Characterization Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
HIV Proteomic Center for Host-Viral Responses Characterization Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
AIDS Clinical Trials Group Network (ACTG) Marion Peters, MD HIV/AIDS
Examining ART Adherence Issues in Bangalore, India Maria Ekstrand, PhD HIV/AIDS, Treatment Adherence
HIV Proteomics Center for Host Viral Response Characterization Richard Price, MD HIV/AIDS
Microbicide Pregnancy Registry-Microbicide Trials Network Juan Vargas, MD Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Women's Health
International Maternal Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group - Master Subcontract Diane Wara, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group (IMPAACT) HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics
T001: Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group (AACTG): Pharmacology Laboratory Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS
ACTG A5295: Evaluation of Xpert MTB/RIF Assay for the Rapid Identification of TB and TB Rifampin Resistance in HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Pulmonary Tuberculosis Suspects Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis
Secretion of Virulence Factors by Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Genetics
Pediatric Kaposi Sarcoma, Botswana 2012 HIV Clinical Management Guidelines Anu Agrawal, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology, Pediatrics
HIV/AIDS Nursing Care and Prevention Carmen Portillo, RN, PhD, FAAN HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
AIDS Research and Services at SFGH Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV and Lung Complications in the HAART Era: Focus on Obstructive Lung Disease(l)) Laurence Huang, MD HIV/AIDS
Metabolic Substudy of A5257, CIMT/FMD Repeat Scans (ACTG A5260s:) Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS
Disulfiram to Accelerate Decay in HIV Reservoirs in ART Treated Patients Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
Innate Natural Killer T (NKT) Cells in HIV Infection HIV/AIDS
Developing an International Research Program in AIDS and Substance Abuse Norman Hearst, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
Community-based VCT: Zimbabwe Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS
Asha HIV Health Promotion Intervention Maria Ekstrand, PhD HIV/AIDS
Quality of Sleep in HIV-Infection: Association with Treatment and Adherence Parya Saberi, PharmD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Treatment Adherence
Culture and HIV Prevention in Cambodia Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Making Better Decision: Policy Modeling for AIDS and Drug Abuse [I] James Kahn, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Health Economics and Effectiveness, Substance Abuse
Natural History and Outcomes of Coccidioidomycosis Retrospective Record Review Study Infectious Disease, Opportunistic Infection, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Epidemiologic Analysis of Data from Project Aware to Determine the Impact of Different HIV Testing Strategies on Risk Behaviors and STD Rates among HIV-Uninfected MSM Henry Chambers, MD HIV/AIDS
Pfizer A4001027: Observational Phase Extension Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Antiretroviral Therapy of AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma in Africa Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Assessing Antiretroviral Exposure in Diverse Populations Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
HIV Pathogenesis and Immunity in Viremic Non-Progressors Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
Dementia in HIV Patients over 60 Years of Age Victor Valcour, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health, Dementia and Cognitive Impairment
Ryan White Title IV Program: Family Services Network HIV/AIDS
The Impact of Early Antiretroviral Therapy on HIV Persistence and Inflammation Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
HIV-Specific T-cell Responses in Rectal Mucosa Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
HQHIV1003203 Philip Hopewell, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis
Community-level HIV Prevention Intervention for Young Black Men Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Engagement in Care
NAAccord (CHK-UP on HIV Supplement) Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Noncommunicable and/or Chronic Disease, Cancer/Oncology, Cardiovascular Disease
The Impact of Early Antiretroviral Therapy on HIV Persistence and Inflammation Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
Hepatitis C Co-infection Clinic: A to T (Acute to Transplant) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS
UCSF-Gladstone Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Paul Volberding, MD HIV/AIDS
Health Information Technology Evaluation and Support Center: Evaluation and Support Center for An Initiative on Information Technology Networks of Care HIV/AIDS
Enhanced HIV Prevention in the Republic of Uganda HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Detection and Measurement of the HIV Reservoir Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
AIDS Policy Research Center [I] Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training, Patient and Peer Education
Efficacy and Safety of Eraxis/Ecalta (Anidulafungin) Compared to Cancidas (Caspofungin) in Patients with Candida Deep Tissue Infection: A Phase 4 Study Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Neurological AIDS Research Consortium Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
Guidelines on Health Services Delivery for People with HIV George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Administration of an ACE-Inhibitor to Decrease the Latent Reservoir HIV/AIDS
Eliminating the Latent Reservoir through Self-Specific Antibodies HIV/AIDS
UCSF - Ethiopia Fitun Warmline Ronald Goldschmidt, MD HIV/AIDS
Abbott Drug Donation for Antiretroviral Therapy of AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma in Africa Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Reducing HIV Transmission in High Prevalence Districts in North West Province, Republic of South Africa through Comprehensive and Integrated Mobile Primary Health Services Sheri Lippman, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS
NICHD International and Domestic Pediatric and Maternal HIV Studies Coordinating Center Diane Wara, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics
WHO Adolescent Disclosure (PO# 200612583) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Identification of the CD8+ Cell Anti-HIV Factor (CAF) HIV/AIDS, Immunology
Family-Based HIV Voluntary Testing and Counseling in Patients at Risk for Tuberculosis Edwin Charlebois, PhD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Stakeholder Meeting on the Integration of Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
The Connie Wofsy Women's HIV Study Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
WSA-CS-003: Open Label Study of Isavuconazole in the Treatment of Patients with Aspergillosis and Renal Impairment or of Patients with Invasive Fungal Disease Caused by Rare Molds, Yeasts or Dimorphic Fungi Infectious Disease, Opportunistic Infection, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Travel Scholarships for Integration of Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Services Conference Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
WHO Adolescent Community-Based Approaches (PO# 200616590) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Training and Technical Assistance to Expand HIV Testing in Medical Settings in California's Local Health Jurisdictions (LHD) E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Study of Telaprevir in Combination With Peginterferon Alfa-2a (Pegasys®) and Ribavirin (Copegus®) in Subjects Who Have Chronic HCV-1/HIV-1 Co-Infection and Are Treatment-Naïve for Hepatitis C Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS
Immunologic Determinants of CD4+ T Cell Recovery in Treated HIV+ Africans Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
The Impact of CD8 T Cells on Viral Control and Evolution in HIV-Infected Infants Margaret Feeney, MD HIV/AIDS
Posting at the Makerere University and Johns Hopkins University HIV Clinical Trials Unit in Kampala, Uganda Jaco Homsy, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Evaluation of Harm Reduction Treatment for MSM Who Use Meth HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Prevention in Men Expansion Study [I] David Glidden, PhD HIV/AIDS
Protective Immunity in HIV Highly Exposed but Uninfected Subjects HIV/AIDS
HIV Status and Reproductive Aging Affect Liver Fibrosis in HIV/HCV Infected Women Marion Peters, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
International Mobility of HIV Hong-Ha Truong, PhD, MS, MPH HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Characterizing the Role of Immune Activation in HIV Persistence Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology
A San Francisco Street Youth Cohort: At-Risk and HIV+ Anna-Barbara Moscicki, MD HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Engagement in Care, Risk Reduction and Prevention, Training and Capacity Building, Patient and Peer Education
Retrovirus Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-III (REDS-III) - International Sites Edward Murphy, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Transfusion Medicine, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Technical and Logistical Support for the Office of AIDS Research HIV/AIDS
Prevention Umbrella for MSM in the Americas Eric Vittinghoff, PhD HIV/AIDS
The Impact of Food Insecurity on HIV Outcomes and Sexual Risk Behavior in Uganda Sheri Weiser, MD HIV/AIDS, Malnutrition, Micronutrients, Food Insecurity, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Chemoprohylaxis and HIV-Host Interactions HIV/AIDS
International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building
HIV/AIDS Clinical Care Training Program for Japanese Physicians Mitchell Feldman, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Role of Buprenorphine in Improving Clinical Care in Opioid Addiction and HIV HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Substance Abuse
Mesalamine to Reduce T Cell Activation in HIV Infection Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Agricultural Intervention to Improve Health of HIV-affected Children in Kenya HIV/AIDS
WHO ART Guidelines - When to Start (PO 200670959) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
WHO ART Guidelines - What to Use (PO 200671213) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS
WHO Adolescent HTC Review Update (PO# 200660799) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Research Support for Evaluation of the Positive Resource Center's Employment Services Program HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Consultation with the Hektoen Institute, Chicago WIHS Nancy Hessol, MSPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Toward Understanding Community Mobilization for HIV Prevention in the African Context Sheri Lippman, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Magnet Readiness Program HIV/AIDS
Disulfiram Interactions With HIV Medications: Clinical Implications HIV/AIDS
Study of Three NNNRTI-Sparing Antiretroviral Regimens for Treatment-Naive HIV-1-Infected Volunteers (ACTG A5257) Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Cardiovascular, Anthropometric, and Skeletal Effects of ART Initiation with FTC/TDF plus ATV/r: Metabolic Substudy of A5257 (ACTG A5260s) Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
Trial of Raltegravir Plus Darunavir/Ritonavir for Treatment-Naive HIV-1-Infected Subjects (ATCG A5262) Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Inflammation and HIV Persistence Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
Oral Wash for Nucleic Acid Diagnosis and Prognosis of TB in HIV-infected Ugandans HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Central Nervous System Effects in Acute HIV Seroconversion Victor Valcour, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
Interaction of Alcohol and HAART in HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS and HCV Coinfection HIV/AIDS
ACTG: AIDS Clinical Trials Group; MASTER SUBCONTRACT -- U01AI068636 Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS
The Connie Wofsy Women's HIV Study Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Planning and Implementation for Metropolitan Statistical Areas Most Affected by HIV/AIDS Stephen Morin, PhD HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Task Order A5280: A Prospective, Randomized Pilot Trial of High Dose Vitamin D and Calcium for Bone Health in HIV-Infected Individuals Initiating Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
Comparative Effectiveness of Pediatric HIV Disclosure Interventions in Uganda HIV/AIDS
CHAT: mHealth Innovation for HIV-MNCH Community Health Workers in South Africa HIV/AIDS
AIDS Clinical Trials Network (ACTG)-Deeks (Co-Vice Chair) A5296 Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Noncommunicable and/or Chronic Disease, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Evaluation of SFAF's Magnet Program Wayne Steward, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
Sputum M. tuberculosis DNA Kinetics during TB Treatment in Patients with HIV HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis
Cardiovascular, Anthropometric, and Skeletal Effects of ART Initiation with FTC/TDF plus ATV/r: Metabolic Substudy (ACTG) A5260s Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV and Lung Complications in the HAART Era: Focus on Obstructive Lung Disease (ll) Laurence Huang, MD HIV/AIDS
Protection from HIV Infection in Intravenous Drug Users HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse, Risk Reduction and Prevention
HIV Transcellular and Transsynaptic Penetration of Mucosal Epithelium Sharof Tugizov, PhD HIV/AIDS
Cervical Cancer Screening with a Novel Biomarker in HIV-Infected Women Megan Huchko, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Culture-Based Prediction of Adolescent HIV Risk Behavior HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Effects of Housing and HIV on Risk Behavior and Victimization of Indigent Women Elise Riley, PhD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Epidemiologic Effects of ART on HIV-related Anal Cancer and Anal Dysplasia Joel Palefsky, MD Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
A Pilot Random Control Trial of Expressive Writing with HIV-Positive Methamphetamine Users HIV/AIDS
AETC National Resource Center / AIDS Education and Training Website Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
Developing an International Research Program in AIDS and Substance Abuse [I] Norman Hearst, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care, Health Systems Strengthening
ECHPP Evaluation George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
AIDS Research and Services at SF General Hospital Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care, Treatment Adherence, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Targeted Treatment of Early Cryptococcal Infection in HIV-infected Patients HIV/AIDS
Treating HIV-infected Elite Controllers as a Model of HIV Remission Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
Improving HAART Adherence in HIV+ Active Drug Users HIV/AIDS
National HIV Training and Technical Cooperative Agreements-Focus Area: HIV/AIDS Medical Homes Ronald Goldschmidt, MD HIV/AIDS, Noncommunicable and/or Chronic Disease, Training and Capacity Building
Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Hypertension in HIV Patients HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Novel Strategies to Prevent Malaria and Improve HIV Outcomes in Africa (I) Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Malaria
HIV Voluntary Testing and Counseling (VCT) and Linkage to Care in Uganda Judith Hahn, PhD, MD HIV/AIDS
Prevention Umbrella for MSM in the Americas Sheri Lippman, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
HIV and Global Drug Therapies: Peripheral Neuropathy Complications and Mechanisms Victor Valcour, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
HIV-1 Specific Immune Responses in Thai Individuals with HIV Dementia Victor Valcour, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS, Dementia and Cognitive Impairment
International Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians
Evaluation of SFAF's Magnet Program Wayne Steward, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Patient and Peer Education
Treatment of HIV-Associated Cognitive Impairment HIV/AIDS
Tobira 652-2-202 Pre-Clinical Trial Cost Agreement Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Productive and Latent HIV Infection in Gut Mucosal Reservoirs Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV and HPV Transmission across Mucosal Epithelia Sharof Tugizov, PhD HIV/AIDS
Context and Correlates of Health Behaviors in South India Maria Ekstrand, PhD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Substance Abuse
AIDS Stigma Among Health Professionals in Puerto Rico Torsten Neilands, PhD HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care, Stigma and Discrimination, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Structural Alcohol/HIV Risk Intervention in Gay Bar Patrons Edwin Charlebois, PhD HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
The Collaborative HIV Prevention Research in Minority Communities Program Torsten Neilands, PhD HIV/AIDS
Treatment Engagement and Adherence among HIV+ Transwomen Jae Sevelius, PhD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
National Resource Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention among Adolescents (APNRC) Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS
Short-Term Disulfiram Administration to Reverse Latent HIV Infection Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
HIV cure with CCR5 (-) human IPS hematopoietic stem cells HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Global Health Comparative Effectiveness: A Data Synthesis Method Applied to HIV James Kahn, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Health Economics and Effectiveness
Reducing HIV Transmission in High Prevalence Districts in North West Province, Republic of South Africa through Comprehensive and Integrated Mobile Primary Health Services Sheri Lippman, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
HIV Persistence after Successful CCR5-Depleted Stem Cell Transplantation Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
Analysis of HIV-Specific Lymphocytes in Infants Using Single-Cell Microtools Margaret Feeney, MD HIV/AIDS
A Novel APOBEC-Based Vaccine Approach for HIV HIV/AIDS
Human Endogenous Retroelements in HIV Immunopathogenesis HIV/AIDS
Community Based Organization Behavioral Outcome Project (CBOP) HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Infrastructure For Community-Linked Research To Address Disparities in HIVAIDS HIV/AIDS
Innate NKT Cells in HIV Infection HIV/AIDS
Exploring the Bidirectional Relationship between Food Security and HIV Treatment Outcomes in a Rural Ugandan Cohort Sheri Weiser, MD HIV/AIDS, Malnutrition, Micronutrients, Food Insecurity, Treatment Adherence
Strong African American Families (SAAF) HIV Prevention Program HIV/AIDS
University of Zimbabwe-UCSF Clinical Trials Unit Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building
METIDA- M&E related Technical Assistance and Improved Data Application in HIV HIV/AIDS
Darpun Sachdev mentored participation in HIV Clinical Trials HIV/AIDS, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-III (REDS-III) - Central Laboratory Mark Seielstad, PhD HIV/AIDS, Transfusion Medicine, Epidemiology and Surveillance
(PrEP) Parallel Comparison of Tenofovir and Emtricitabine/tenofovir Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Prevent HIV1 Acquisition within HIV1 Discordant Couples Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Oral HIV/AIDS Research Alliance at UCSF Caroline Shiboski, DDS, MPH, PhD HIV/AIDS
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trial - Leadership Diane Wara, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics
AIDS Clinical Trials Group Network Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS
AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) Tuberculosis TSG Services Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis
AIDS Clinical Trials Network (ACTG)- Peter Hunt Task Order Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group Leadership Award HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics
HIV Molecular Surveillance HIV/AIDS
ACTG A5295: Evaluation of Xpert MTB/RIF Assay for the Rapid Identification of TB and TB Rifampin Resistance in HIV-Infected and Uninfected Pulmonary Tuberculosis Suspects Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group Leadership Award Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS, Pediatrics
ACTG, AIDS Clinical Trials Research Group - A5289 and A5255 Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS
Prevention Umbrella for MSM in the Americas E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
A Phase II Study to Evaluate the Immunogenicity and Safety of a Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in HIV-1-Infected Females Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS
AIDS Clinical Trial Research Group (ACTG), Studies: A5306, A5254, A5298 Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Tuberculosis, Oral Health
Prevention Umbrella for MSM in the Americas Henry Chambers, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV Specific T-Cell Responses in Rectal Mucosa Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
HIV-Specific T Cell Responses in Rectal Mucosa Elizabeth Sinclair, PhD HIV/AIDS
Effects of CCR5-D32 Heterozygosity on the HIV-1 Reservoir HIV/AIDS
Culturally Relevant HIV Prevention for High-Risk Women Jae Sevelius, PhD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Risk Reduction and Prevention
HIV and HPV Transmission Across Mucosal Epithelia Sharof Tugizov, PhD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Design of an Effective Vaccine against HIV: An Alternative Hypothesis Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS
Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) to Improve the Delivery and Effectiveness of HIV Prevention HIV/AIDS
Beyond Pill-Counting: Effect of Pharmacist Counseling on Antiretroviral Adherence Jennifer Cocohoba, PharmD HIV/AIDS, Treatment Adherence
Novel approaches to monitoring and utilizing adherence to HIV therapy in Africa Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
Tanzania UCSF Technical assistance to Support PEPFAR Meghan Morris, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Kaposi Sarcoma Subgroup of WHO Guidelines Development Group for HIV-Associated Skin and Oral Conditions Anu Agrawal, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology, Pediatrics
VX11-950-115 An Open Label, Phase 3 Study of Telaprevir in Combination With Peginterferon Alfa 2a (Pegasys®) and Ribavirin (Copegus®) in Subjects Coinfected With Genotype 1 Hepatitis C Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1(HCV/HIV-1) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS
Treating HIV-Infected Elite Controllers as a Model of HIV Remission HIV/AIDS
Antiviral Role of APOBEC3 in HIV/HCV Coinfected Patients HIV/AIDS
Developing an HIV Prevention Intervention for HIV-Positive Men in China Kyung-Hee Choi, MPH, PhD HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Risk Reduction and Prevention
AIDS Policy Research Center Wayne Steward, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Policy and Standards of Care
The Impact of Health Care Reform on Addiction and HIV Services HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
The Hair Trigger Study Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS
Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-III (REDS-III) - Domestic Hub Edward Murphy, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Transfusion Medicine, Epidemiology and Surveillance
UCSF HIV Clinical Trials Unit Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
A Positive Affect Intervention for Those Recently Diagnosed with HIV HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Development of a Multilevel HIV Prevention for Latin American Men Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS
Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (UAB Subcontract) Paul Volberding, MD HIV/AIDS
Identifying and Targeting HIV Persistence in T Cell Subsets during ART Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Technical Assistance Resources, Guidance, Education, and Training (TARGET) Center: Online Technical Assistance Community E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Training and Capacity Building, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Integration of Family Planning into HIV Care and Treatment in Nyanza Province, Kenya Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Prevalence and Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Disease in a Large Multicenter HIV Cohort Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Chronic Respiratory Disease, Women's Health
Positive Affect Regulation for HIV Prevention in People with Mood Disorders HIV/AIDS
Clinical Trial Simulation efforts for upcoming HIV therapeutic development. Rada Savic, PhD HIV/AIDS
Effects of CCR5 - delta-32 Heterozygosity on the HIV-1 Reservoir Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology, Genetics
Novel Strategies to Prevent Malaria and Improve HIV Outcomes in Uganda (II) Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
Combination HIV Prevention for the General Population of Adults and Youth, including Persons Living with HIV in Mozambique Carol Dawson-Rose, RN, PhD, FAAN HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Early Mortality in HIV-Infected Patients Starting Antiretroviral Therapy in Africa HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Jacque Duncan, MD HIV/AIDS, Eye Disease and Blindness
Global Innate Immune Responses to HIV-1 Infection Nevan Krogan, PhD, MSc HIV/AIDS, Immunology
IDO-induced Tryptophan Catabolism and Mortality in Treated HIV-infected Africans Peter Hunt, MD HIV/AIDS
Moving a Research-Based Intervention into Practice Susan Kegeles, PhD HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Interventions for Improving Retention in Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Programs (PO 200988865) George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Treatment Adherence, Health Systems Strengthening
Women, Children, and HIV Website Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health, Training and Capacity Building
Interruption of Maternal-Fetal Transmission of HIV Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Task Order A5303: Trial to Determine the Bone, Immunologic, Virologic, and Neurocognitive Effects of a Novel Maraviroc-Containing Antiretroviral Regimen in Treatment-Naive Patients Infected with R5-Tropic HIV-1 Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Structural Alcohol Intervention to Reduce HIV Risk Behavior among Gay Bar Patrons Edwin Charlebois, PhD HIV/AIDS
Host Genetic Predictors of IDO-induced Tryptophan Catabolism Among HIV-Infected Ugandans Maintaining Treatment-Mediated Viral Suppression Sulggi Lee, MD HIV/AIDS
Treatment Engagement and Adherence among HIV+ Transwomen Jae Sevelius, PhD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Structural Alcohol/HIV RIsk Intervention in Gay Bar Patrons Edwin Charlebois, PhD HIV/AIDS
Health Marketing Services for the CDC Act Against AIDS campaigns: HIV Screening Standard Care for Primary Care Physicians (HSSC) & One Test Two Lives (OTTL) for Obstetrical Providers Ronald Goldschmidt, MD HIV/AIDS
Nigeria Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Building Support George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
ACTG A5295: Evaluation of Xpert MTB/RIF Assay for the Rapid Identification of TB and TB Rifampin Resistance in HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Pulmonary Tuberculosis Suspects Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis
Gilead GS-US-236-0102 Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
HIV Prevention for Sero-Discordant Couples George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Policy and Standards of Care, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Novel Strategies to Prevent Malaria and Improve HIV Outcomes in Africa (III) Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS, Malaria
Exchange of samples- Placental Biopsies Mike McCune, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Prevention in Men Expansion Study [II] David Glidden, PhD HIV/AIDS
St Marys - International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group UZ Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Seke North - International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group UZ Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Parirenyatwa - International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group UZ UCSF CTU Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG), TSG Committee Chair funding Marion Peters, MD HIV/AIDS
International HIV-Associated Opportunistic Pneumonias (IHOP) Study Laurence Huang, MD HIV/AIDS
Development of Specimen Repository and Evaluation of Assays for Identification of Recent HIV Infection Christopher Pilcher, MD HIV/AIDS
Defining CNS HIV Infection and Its Effects in Treated Patients: Foundation for Eradication Richard Price, MD HIV/AIDS
Effects of Traffic Pollution on Lung Immunity and Pneumonia in Persons with HIV HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection
External Evaluation of Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation's Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Programme in Zimbabwe HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
High Throughput Measurement of Envelope Gene Diversity for an HIV Incidence Assay Christopher Pilcher, MD HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development
The Pathobiology of Primary HIV-1 Infection Richard Price, MD HIV/AIDS
Peripheral Reservoir of HIV Monocytes Pivotal to Cognition in HIV Victor Valcour, MD, PhD HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health, Dementia and Cognitive Impairment
Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) HIV/AIDS, Eye Disease and Blindness
TRAINING COURSE in HIV Prevention and Treatment Cascade Analysis George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Health Systems Strengthening
Epigenetic Regulation of HIV Latency Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
Targeted Treatment of Early Cryptococcal Infection in HIV-infected Patients HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection
STAR STI CTG Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health
Performance Evaluation of the Bio-Rad Geenius HIV-1/2 Supplemental Assay Christopher Pilcher, MD HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development
DAIDS A5298 Study: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III Trial of the Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine to Prevent Anal Human Papillomavirus Infection in HIV-Infected Men Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Therapeutic Strategies for HIV Disease Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
Study of BMS-790052 plus Peg-Interferon alfa 2a and Ribavirin in Previously Untreated HCV Patients Coinfected with HIV and HCV Anne Luetkemeyer, MD HIV/AIDS
Changes in Alcohol Consumption in HIV Positives in Uganda Judith Hahn, PhD, MD HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
Immunodiagnosis of Active Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Patients Adithya Cattamanchi, MD HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Drug and Diagnostics Development
HIV Disease Progression in African Children Theodore Ruel, MD HIV/AIDS, Pediatrics
Atlanta HQ: UCSF Technical Assistance to Support PEPFAR George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Tanzania: UCSF Technical Assistance to Support PEPFAR George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Kenya: Strengthening HIV Strategic Information Activities - Monitoring and Evaluation George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Global Strategic Information
VA HIV-HEP C Website Maintenance Services Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building, Patient and Peer Education
HOME: A Comprehensive HIV Testing and Linkage Package for Young MSM of Color Nancy Hessol, MSPH HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care, Engagement in Care, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Enhancing PrEP in Community Settings (EPIC) Nancy Hessol, MSPH HIV/AIDS, Treatment Adherence
Home Based Care Service Assessment Services - Tanzania George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care
Pharmacostatistical Modeling and Simulation of Randomized Clinical PrEP Trials Rada Savic, PhD HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Treatment Adherence
Capacity Based Assistance (CBA) for High Impact HIV Prevention to Health Departments in the United States HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
CHRP Disparities Initiative: UCSF CFAR Conference Award Paul Volberding, MD HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
HPV and Cervix Neoplasia in a Large, Long Term HIV+Cohort HIV/AIDS
International Collaborative of Prospective Studies of HIV and Hepatitis in IDU Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse
Relationship Power and HIV Risk in Gay Male Couples Torsten Neilands, PhD HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Technology to Connect At-Risk Youth to Testing HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science
Host-pathogen Interactions during Vertical Transmission of Listeria monocytogenes Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Opportunistic Infection, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Implementation science to optimize HIV prevention in East Africa PEPFAR program Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Gene Circuits that Control Morphology in Histoplasma Anita Sil, MD, PhD Infectious Disease, Opportunistic Infection
MSM and Gay Male Relationship Power Shari L. Dworkin, PhD, MS HIV/AIDS, Access or Barriers to Care, Stigma and Discrimination, Treatment Adherence
Influence of Stigma and Discrimination on HIV Risk among Men in China Kyung-Hee Choi, MPH, PhD HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction and Prevention
International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials (INSIGHT) Richard Price, MD HIV/AIDS
Pilot Agricultural Intervention for Food Security and HIV Outcomes in Kenya Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Mechanisms of Bartonella Virulence in AIDS Patients HIV/AIDS
Navigator Enhanced Case Management for Jail Inmates HIV/AIDS
Impact of Sex-Based Differences on HIV Reservoir Size and Immune Activation Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health
Central Nervous System HIV Translational Research Training Program Richard Price, MD HIV/AIDS, Neurology and Mental Health, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Inflammation, Viral Replication, and Atherosclerosis in Treated HIV Infection HIV/AIDS, Cardiovascular Disease, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
AIDS Education and Training Center, Telehealth Training Centers Program Ronald Goldschmidt, MD HIV/AIDS
Ghana: UCSF Technical Assistance to Support PEPFAR George Rutherford, MD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Implementation and Behavioral Science
CHRP for Integrating HIV and Geriatric for People Living with HIV 50 and Over HIV/AIDS, Engagement in Care, Health Systems Strengthening
Creating a Specialized Patient-Centered Medical Home for Persons 50 and Older Living with HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS, Health Economics and Effectiveness, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Treatment Adherence, Health Systems Strengthening
Reducing Failure-to-Initiate ART: Streamlined ART Start Strategy (START) Diane Havlir, MD HIV/AIDS
Administration of an ACE Inhibitor to Improve Endothelial Function in Treated, HIV-infected Individuals HIV/AIDS, Cardiovascular Disease
Developing an International Research Program in AIDS and Substance Abuse [II] Norman Hearst, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS
Statins for Pulmonary and Cardiac Complications of Chronic HIV (The SPARC Trial) Laurence Huang, MD HIV/AIDS
AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) National Resource Center / Website Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training, UCSF Professional Education, Patient and Peer Education
Gender-specific Differences Affecting Reactivation of Latent HIV in Treated Patients Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS, Immunology, Women's Health
Retention in Care and Virologic Suppression among Childbearing HIV-Infected Ugandan Women in the Era of Lifelong Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Catherine Koss, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Pediatrics
Continuum of HIV Prevention Care Services HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Treatment Adherence
UCB-UCSF-MU Research Training on Tuberculosis (TB) and Other Pulmonary Complications of HIV HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Tuberculosis, Chronic Respiratory Disease, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians
How well do six hospitals offering PMTCT services in rural Cross River Nigeria perform on multiple Health care quality indicators for PMTCT? A quality Improvement study Joel Igu, MS HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Treatment Adherence, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS) Anna-Barbara Moscicki, MD HIV/AIDS, Pediatrics, Adolescent Health
New Challenges in HIV Prevention for Gay Male Couples Lynae Darbes, PhD HIV/AIDS
Family Services Network - Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Characterization of the HIV-1 Latent Reservoir in CCR5-Delta 32 Heterozygotes Steven Deeks, MD HIV/AIDS
Intermittent Naltrexone among Polysubstance-using Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Glenn-Milo Santos, PhD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Substance Abuse
Uganda-UCSF Research Training Program in HIV-Associated Malignancies Jeffrey Martin, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
AIDS Education and Training Center E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Training and Capacity Building
AIDS Malignancies Consortium Lawrence Kaplan, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
HPV Testing of Samples from the AIDS Malignancy Consortium Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS
HPV-Related Neoplasia among HIV-Seropositive Indian Men Who Have Sex With Men Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Cancer/Oncology
Incidence of HIV among Indian Men Who Have Sex with Men Joel Palefsky, MD HIV/AIDS, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Provision of Technical Assistance to Strengthen HIV Strategic Information Activities Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc HIV/AIDS, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Substance Use and HIV Prevention Research in Minority Communities Training Program HIV/AIDS, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Clinical/Data Core WHP-San Francisco Ruth Greenblatt, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Access or Barriers to Care
Identification of the CD8 Cell Anti-HIV Factor (CAF) HIV/AIDS
Effect of IL-1B inhibition on inflammation and cardiovascular risk in HIV HIV/AIDS, Cardiovascular Disease
Pharmacokinetic analysis of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine alongside the START-IPT Study Francesca Aweeka, PharmD HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Pediatrics
A feasibility study of the transcranial Doppler breath-holding challenge to evaluate cerebral vasoreactivity in HIV-infected individuals in China Felicia Chow, MD HIV/AIDS,