AIDS Clinical Trials Group: REPRIEVE Trial Ancillary Study

Investigator: Diane Havlir, MD
Sponsor: Brigham and Women's Hospital

Location(s): United States


Randomized Trial to Prevent Vascular Events in HIV (REPRIEVE) 

AIDS-related complications and deaths are declining, while heart disease among HIV-infected individuals is emerging as a major public health problem. This is happening despite effective treatment for HIV. People living with HIV are 50 to 100% more likely to develop heart disease — this includes heart attack and stroke — compared with people who do not have HIV. Increased chronic inflammation related to HIV may be contributing to the increased risk of heart disease.
The REPRIEVE trial will include 6,500 participants and will be conducted at approximately 100 clinical research sites, in the United States and abroad. The trial will be conducted through the AIDS Clinical Trials Network and many other sites approved by the NIH Division of AIDS.