UZ-UCSF CTU Parirenyatwa Clinical Research Site HPTN 052 2nd Protocol Funding

Investigator: Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG
Sponsor: FHI 360

Location(s): Zimbabwe


The Parirenyatwa Clinical Research Site Harare, Zimbabwe is a clinical trails unit (CTU) within the UZ-UCSF collaboration. Parirenyatwa (Pari) CRS is situated within the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, Zimbabwe’s premier public referral hospital, comprised of a main hospital with both out-patient facilities and a 500-bed in-patient facility for adults and children, a maternity hospital, a psychiatric hospital, a Family Care Center, and an ophthalmologic specialty hospital. It is one of the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Science’s (UZCHS) two teaching hospitals.

HPTN 052 is randomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy plus HIV primary care versus HIV primary care alone to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV-1 in serodiscordant couples