CareConekta: Mobile health for a mobile population
Location(s): South Africa
South Africa is home to the world’s largest antiretroviral therapy program but sustaining engagement along the HIV care continuum has proven challenging in the country and throughout the wider region. Population mobility is common in South Africa, but important research gaps exist describing this mobility and its impact on engagement in HIV care. Postpartum women and their infants in South Africa are known to be at high risk of dropping out of HIV care after delivery and are frequently mobile. Methods: In 2017, we developed a beta version of a smartphone application (app) – CareConekta – that detects a user’s smartphone location to allow for prospective characterization of mobility. Now we will adapt and test CareConekta to conduct essential formative work on mobility and evaluate an intervention – the CareConekta app plus text notifications and phone calls and/or WhatsApp messages – to facilitate engagement in HIV care during times of mobility.