AIDS Policy Research Center
Investigator: Stephen Morin, PhD
Sponsor: Until There's a Cure Foundation
Location(s): Tanzania; Zimbabwe; South Africa; Kazakhstan; China; Japan; India; Cambodia; Viet Nam; Thailand; Philippines; Croatia; South America; Argentina; Brazil; Peru; Antigua and Barbuda; Barbados; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
The AIDS Policy Research Center (APRC) seeks to improve international, national, state, and local responses to challenges posed by the HIV/AIDS epidemic by conducting policy research and facilitating progressive interaction between UCSF research and policy decision-making.
The specific aims of the center are to
- assist UCSF scientists in better defining HIV/AIDS policy questions and in using the formal tools of policy analysis to produce more useful science
- conduct policy analyses and specific research projects on HIV policy, including evaluating policy interventions
- identify decision-makers and communicate to them the results of policy-related research