Getting to Zero: Advancing Retention and Re-Engagement in HIV Care Demonstration Project

Investigator: Edwin Charlebois, PhD
Sponsor: Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc.

Location(s): United States


The goal of this initiative is to develop systems and programs to increase retention and re-engagement in care, and viral suppression among people living with HIV in San Francisco. Given our local HIV epidemic, we believe that the following individuals should be a focus of RRS efforts:

  • Individuals with co-occurring conditions such as homelessness, mental health and substance use issues that may challenge their ability to consistently engage in HIV care and treatment.
  • Youth, African American and Latino men and women, transgender persons and the uninsured.
  • Individuals with a pattern of missed appointments or who begin to miss appointments.
  • Individuals who are not virally suppressed, with a priority on people with low CD4s and other co-morbidities.