VA HIV-HEP C Website Maintenance Services

Investigator: Susan Coffey, MD
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Location(s): United States


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is the largest single provider of medical care to people with hepatitis C in the United States. The VA's efforts in this area are led by the HIV, Hepatitis, and Human Pathogens Programs, under the direction of the Clinical Public Health Group whose mission is to provide the highest quality, comprehensive care to Veterans and to have that care recognized as the standard by which all health care in the United States is measured. 

The VA Hepatitis C website leverages the expertise of the VA Hepatitis C Resource Centers (HCRC), four VA medical centers who work together to develop best practices in hepatitis C prevention, clinical care, patient and provider education, and program evaluation for use within VA as well as for other medical care systems. The HCRC products include treatment recommendations, clinician tools, and both provider and patient education materials.

The website is also a collaboration between Clinical Public Health and the Center for HIV Information (CHI), which also manages the VA's HIV/AIDS website .