Improving care delivery for people living with HIV, TB and other chronic diseases through diplomacy

Investigator: Michael J. Reid, MD

Location(s): United States


Researching effective interventions and implementations to inform the activities of the Center for Global Health Delivery and Diplomacy, which seeks to catalyze the transformation of health systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. We work with the leaders of large health care systems, primarily ministries of health, to identify specific areas of work to which the methodologies of implementation research can be applied. This approach provides support for existing national strategies while introducing a culture of data-driven decision-making.

In my role at the Center for Global Health Delivery and Diplomacy, I work across broad health interventions, including:

· Secretariat for the Lancet Commission on Tuberculosis; convening meetings of global leaders in TB to shape the global policy agenda

·  Co-PI on the SF-UHC project (Strengthening Frameworks -Universal Health Coverage) to shape policy discourse and research agenda  for UHC, partnering with high TB burden countries to catalyze current efforts towards UHC.

·  Policy advisor and technical resource for moving the PEPFAR-funded Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) to its next level, advancing PEPFAR's goal of increasing the number of new health care workers by 140,000; strengthening in-country medical education systems; and building clinical and research capacity.