Women, Children, and HIV Website

Investigator: Susan Coffey, MD
Sponsor: Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Location(s): United States


The Women, Children, and HIV Web site is the result of a collaboration between the Rutgers François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Center and the Center for HIV Information (CHI) at the University of California San Francisco. The goals of this Web site are to:

  • Disseminate state-of-the-art clinical information and training resources on mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT) and related topics
  • Communicate the best practices in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and caring for infected children
  • Disseminate PMTCT program resource materials
  • Disseminate state-of-the-art clinical information and training resources on perinatally acquired pediatric HIV infection
  • Implement services responsive to the needs of the CDC Global AIDS Program (CDC/GAP)