Developing an International Research Program in AIDS and Substance Abuse

Investigator: Norman Hearst, MD, MPH
Sponsor: New Paradigm Fund

Location(s): Kenya; Uganda


Relying on an anthropological approach that embraces indigenous people and their beliefs and practices, The Fund conducts and supports applied research, pilot programs, and other efforts aimed at improving health and well-being in ways that are sustainable and build on the knowledge, local organizations and institutions of local people and cultures.

The region of emphasis will primarily --but not exclusively--be sub-Saharan Africa. the  purpose of thew New Paradigm Fund is to assist in the reduction and elimination of the spread of AIDS and other infectious diseases and improve health and well-being around the world, through approaches which recognize that people have the capacity to make fundamental changes in behavior and are more than victims of circumstance. The Fund's efforts focus on approaches that involve character, decision-making and responsibility development. New Paradigm supports solutions that come from communities, are grounded in culture, and are sustainable using the resources of that culture and communities, rather than relying on continuing outside aid and assistance, assistance that often leads to dependance and devaluing even the best aspects of indigenous culture.