Interaction of Alcohol and HAART in HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS and HCV Coinfection
Location(s): United States
The overarching goal of this K award will be to enhance the Clinical Care Of opioid-addicted patients through the successful completion of currently funded NIDA studies and to use the Clinical research setting to train young Investigators in Addiction Medicine and In the undertaking of well-designed research that will ultimately lead to their success as independent Investigators. The Specific Aims Of the research proposal include completion of the Pi's funded NIDA RO1 research project to identify Drug Interactions and their Clinical importance between Buprenorphine, a newer Opioid partial agonist available by prescription from qualified physicians and HIV therapeutics and a Clinical trial funded through the NIDA Clinical Trials Network that will examine buprenorphine/naloxone treatment plus medical management or enhanced medical management for treatment Of patients addicted to prescription opioids. The mentoring plan will focus on Training junior faculty In psychiatry, Medicine, anesthesiology, and pediatrics, psychiatry residents, postdoctoral fellows in addiction psychiatry, medical students, and graduate and undergraduate students to conduct patient-oriented research in addiction medicine. The Training will focus on Clinical research methods including human laboratory-based paradigms and Clinical trials, data analysis, manuscript and grant preparation, presentation of research findings, conduct of ethical research and human subjects protections. Mentoring will occur through participation In the Pi's funded research projects and educational activities available within addiction psychiatry, the School Of Medicine, and VCU. Over the next 5 years the candidate seeks to devote full time effort to research and mentoring with the goal of advancing patient oriented research In Opioid dependence and helping to increase the number of new Investigators In the field.