Administrative Supplements to Cancer Centers Support Grants to Stimulate Collaborative HIV Malignancy Research in Low and Middle Income Countries

Investigator: Joel Palefsky, MD
Sponsor: University of Maryland, Baltimore

Location(s): Uganda


The purpose of this initiative is to stimulate HIV malignancy research via support of collaborative pilot projects in NCI-designated Cancer Centers (CC) and low and middle income countries (LMICs), per World Bank classification. Findings from this collaboration could potentially improve cancer control, prevention and treatment strategies in the US and the LMIC. The supplements are intended to: 

1) strengthen collaborations between CC and LMIC investigators in cancer and other disciplines,
2) lay the groundwork for larger-scale studies supported by other mechanisms, 
3) promote the development of LMIC investigators and systematic tools/approaches for future inter-CC/LMIC research collaborations on HIV-associated cancers, and 
4) encourage projects that address health disparities, including women, minorities, and other vulnerable groups affected by HIV.
  • Uganda-UCSF Consortium on Prevention and Early Detection of HIV-Associated Cancer
    Partners: University of California San Francisco and Infectious Diseases Institute in Uganda. The consortium will focus on the two most common cancers in Uganda, Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) and cervical cancer. The consortium will build capacity for research on HIV-associated cancers in Uganda through mentoring, pilot projects and K-like awards and explore strategies for increasing community and provider awareness and diagnosis of KS and cervical cancers.