Labor and Delivery

Active Projects: 139

Investigator All Topics Start date End date
Women, Children, and HIV Website Susan Coffey, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health, Training and Capacity Building
Women's Reproductive Health Research Linda Giudice, MD, PhD, MSc Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning
Women's Health and Maternal Surveillance Contract Paula Braveman, MD, MPH Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning
Where is preterm birth positioned on the global health agenda? A policy analysis using a political prioritization framework Sara Kassabian, MS Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Health Economics and Effectiveness
What is youth-friendly? : A systematic review of the assessment of sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents Amanda Mazur, MS Labor and Delivery, Adolescent Health, Health Economics and Effectiveness
VEGF signaling in placental development and disease Susan Fisher, PhD Immunology, Labor and Delivery
UZ-UCSF CTU JHU IMPAACT PF: Task Order 3 Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health
Using Community Health Workers for Pre Term Birth Prevention Melanie Thomas, MD, MS Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
University of California Global Health Institute Program for Fellows and Scholars Craig Cohen, MD, MPH Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), HIV/AIDS, Opportunistic Infection, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Noncommunicable and/or Chronic Disease, Surgery and Anesthesia, Cancer/Oncology, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Respiratory Disease, Diabetes, Occupational and Environmental Disease, Diet, Exercise, and Obesity, Malnutrition, Micronutrients, Food Insecurity, Eye Disease and Blindness, Oral Health, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Immunology, Genetics, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Neurology and Mental Health, Dementia and Cognitive Impairment, Trauma and PTSD, Women's Health, Aging, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health, Adolescent Health, Health Economics and Effectiveness, Access or Barriers to Care, Immigration and Migration, Stigma and Discrimination, Smoking and Tobacco, Policy and Standards of Care, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development, Epidemiology and Surveillance, Triangulation, Global Strategic Information, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Engagement in Care, Substance Abuse, Treatment Adherence, Health Systems Strengthening, Risk Reduction and Prevention, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Understanding Women’s Experiences of Social Support During Fistula and Following Fistula Repair in Uganda: A Secondary Qualitative Analysis Emily Hotchkiss, MS Surgery and Anesthesia, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Access or Barriers to Care, Stigma and Discrimination
Understanding the Relationship between Different Models of Maternity Care and Obstetric Procedure Rates in Hungary: A Comparison of the “Chosen Doctor” and Home Birth Care Models Brianna Bingham, MS Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
UCSF Mount Zion Prenatal Care for Vulnerable Populations Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Engagement in Care
Transdisciplinary Research Training to Reduce Disparities in Preterm Birth and Improve Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes Miriam Kuppermann, PhD, MPH Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Training of Malawian Nurse Midwifes in WHO Safe Childbirth Practices Karen Duderstadt, RN, PhD, FAAN Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Threshold Cost Effectiveness of the SMART Diaphragm: Reducing Preterm Births in Soweto, South Africa Brianna Rader, MS Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
The prevalence of chorioamnionitis among HIV infected and uninfected pregnant Ugandan women and its association with preterm birth John Ategeka Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
The OMWaNA Study: Operationalizing kangaroo Mother care among clinically unstable low birth Weight Neonates in Africa Melissa Morgan Medvedev, MD, MSc, PhD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
The East Bay Community Birth Support Project Monica McLemore, PhD, MPH, RN Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Patient and Peer Education
The Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Project Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
The Bixby Center for Reproductive Health amd Policy Teen Pregnancy Prevention Longitudinal Study Claire Brindis, DrPH Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Adolescent Health
Testing Exposure to Local Immigration Enforcement as a Structural Determinant of Preterm Birth Disparities in California Counties Jacqueline Torres, PhD Trauma and PTSD, Labor and Delivery
Technical assistance for Integration of NASG for Obstetric Hemorrhage Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
STAR STI CTG Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health
St Marys - International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group UZ Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Social and cultural contexts for global health Vincanne Adams, PhD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Access or Barriers to Care, Implementation and Behavioral Science
SMART Diaphragm: A Health Economics Outcome Model and Clinical Pilot Study of a Novel Device to Reduce the Global Incidence of Preterm Birth Larry Rand, MD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Health Economics and Effectiveness
SGI Dev. / Reproductive Scientist Development Program Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Training and Capacity Building, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training
Severe Maternal Morbidity: An Investigation of Maternal Weight, Social Disadvantage, & Racial-Ethnic Disparities Audrey Lyndon, PhD, RN, FAAN Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Seke North - International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group UZ Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Saving Lives at Birth (SL@B) Grand Challenges 2.0 Dilys Walker, MD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
RSDP Scholars' Annual Research Conference/Retreat Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning
Role of oral herpesvirus microbiota in pathogenesis of HIV mother to child transmission Sharof Tugizov, PhD HIV/AIDS, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Relationship Attitudes among Pregnant Adolescents and Adolescent Mothers in Guanajuato, Mexico and Fresno, California: A Qualitative Study Tannia MacKethan, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Adolescent Health
Reintegration intervention for psychosocial and physical recovery after obstetric fistula Alison El Ayadi, ScD, MPH Surgery and Anesthesia, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Stigma and Discrimination
Regional Perinatal Programs of California (RPCC) & California Diabetes & Pregnancy Programs (CDAPP) Mary Lynch, RN, MPH, MA, FAAN Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Regional Perinatal Programs of Calif. (RPDD) & Calif. Diabetes and Pregnancy Programs (CDAPP) Mary Lynch, RN, MPH, MA, FAAN Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Racial Disparities in Cesarean Delivery in California Paula Braveman, MD, MPH Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Que Vivan Las Madres: Scaling Up an Integrated Approach to Reduce Maternal and Perinatal Mortality in Northern Guatemala Dilys Walker, MD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Training and Capacity Building
Quality of data collection on women who received obstetric fistula repair surgery at Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala, Uganda Breanna Calhoun, MS Surgery and Anesthesia, Labor and Delivery
PSI Maternal and Child Health Project in Rural Myanmar May Sudhinaraset, PhD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Promoting Freedom from Hardship in Pregnancy in Rural Eritrea by Advancing Clinical Research for Rahwa Maternal Health Agent Program Martha A. Tesfalul, MD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Program Manager for the Preterm Birth Initiative- East Africa Elizabeth Butrick, MPH Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Preventing postpartum depression: a global participant feedback analysis of the Mothers and Babies Internet Project Eleni Ramphos, MS Neurology and Mental Health, Labor and Delivery
Preventing Extremely Short Interpregnancy Intervals and Preterm Birth Through Post-Delivery Provision of Highly Effective Contraception Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Prevalence and correlates of adverse pregnancy outcomes following female genital fistula repair in Uganda: a mixed-methods study​ Alison El Ayadi, ScD, MPH Surgery and Anesthesia, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Prevalence and correlates of adverse pregnancy outcomes following female genital fistula repair in Uganda: a mixed-methods study Alison El Ayadi, ScD, MPH Surgery and Anesthesia, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Preterm Birth Initiative Dilys Walker, MD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Planning Grant for the Scale Up of the NASG Maternal Mortality Reduction Project in Nigeria Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Placental malaria: The role of inflammation at the maternal-fetal interface Stephanie Valderramos, MD, PhD Malaria, Immunology, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Perinatal HIV Prevention Services E. Michael Reyes, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Perceptions on the Strengthening Babies through Mobile Health Project and Breastfeeding Behavior Determinants among Mothers in Islas de Bahía, Honduras Lyolya Hovhannisyan, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Perceptions of Right-to-Health Litigation’s Impact on Maternal Health and Mortality in Brazil Steven Dominguez Jr, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Access or Barriers to Care, Policy and Standards of Care, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Patient Centered Process Quality for Maternal and Child Health & Family Planning (PCPQ_MCHFP) Dominic Montagu, DrPH Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Health Systems Strengthening
Pathway to sustain and expand obstetric and neonatal simulation and team training in Bihar Dilys Walker, MD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Training International Scholars and Clinicians
Parirenyatwa - International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group UZ UCSF CTU Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Outcomes of pregnant and parenting adolescents Abigail Gutmann-Gonzalez, MPH Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Adolescent Health
Optimizing safety of mother and neonate in a mixed methods learning laboratory Audrey Lyndon, PhD, RN, FAAN Labor and Delivery
Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment for Obstetrical Hemorrhage Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Labor and Delivery
Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment for Obstetrical Hemorrhage Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Labor and Delivery
Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment for Obstetric Hemorrhage Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment for Obstetric Hemorrhage Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Labor and Delivery
Neonatal and preterm birth interventions in low resourced settings Melissa Morgan Medvedev, MD, MSc, PhD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention, Training and Capacity Building
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Evaluation Claire Brindis, DrPH Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Adolescent Health
Molecular mechanisms of oral HIV transmission modeling MTCT Sharof Tugizov, PhD HIV/AIDS, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Misoprostol for Prevention or Early Treatment Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Labor and Delivery
Millenium Development Project Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Men's beliefs about women's pregnancy status: Implications for pregnancy testing, contraceptive use and antenatal care seeking Alison B. Comfort, PhD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning
Maternal Neonatal and Child Care-Seeking Project Dominic Montagu, DrPH Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Access or Barriers to Care
Maternal and Infant Health Assessment (13-10023) Paula Braveman, MD, MPH Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Looking at Birth Outcomes and their Relationship to Registered Nurse Staffing Audrey Lyndon, PhD, RN, FAAN Labor and Delivery
Looking at Birth Outcomes and their Relationship to Registered Nurse Staffing Joanne Spetz, PhD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Kangaroo mother care in eastern Uganda: A feasibility study to assess the factors influencing uptake, adherence, and acceptability into routine healthcare Doris Kwesiga, BA, MSc Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Is Preterm Birth Associated with Air Pollution From Oil and Gas Power Plants in California? A Natural Experiment Occupational and Environmental Disease, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Investigating Interventions for Increasing Uptake of Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Services: A Systematic Review Veesta Falahati, MS HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group Leadership Award HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health
Integrating simulations & team-based training into nurse mentoring in Uttar Pradesh Dilys Walker, MD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Improving quality of obstetric and neonatal care through mentoring and simulation training: a collaboration in Bihar Dilys Walker, MD Labor and Delivery, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians, Patient and Peer Education
Improving Patient-Centered Care for Maternal Health and Family Planning Services in Kenya Labor and Delivery, Access or Barriers to Care
Improving hospital care for breastfeeding support in Indonesia Valerie Flaherman, MD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Health Systems Strengthening, Training and Capacity Building
Improving Diabetes Counselling Guides for Post-Partum Latina Moms Margaret Handley, PhD, MPH Diabetes, Labor and Delivery, Patient and Peer Education
Improving birth outcomes through the implementation of the IMPLICIT ICC model of care in a resident-run pediatric clinic in an underserved population in Fresno County Aimee Abu-Shamsieh, MD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Implementing a risk score to facilitate enhanced adherence support for pregnant and postpartum women at risk of viremia HIV/AIDS, Labor and Delivery
Implementation science and reproductive health on sub-Saharan Africa Joelle Brown, PhD HIV/AIDS, Infectious Disease, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning
Impact of Pregnancy on Tuberculosis Rada Savic, PhD Tuberculosis, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Impact of Pregnancy on Tuberculosis Rada Savic, PhD Tuberculosis, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
IMPAACT Yr 08 P1077 CTU MOU #2 - St. Mary's Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
IMPAACT Yr 08 P1077 CTU MOU #2 - Seke North Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG HIV/AIDS, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
IMPAACT Yr 08 P1077 CTU MOU #2 - Parirenyatwa Zvavahera Chirenje, MD, FRCOG Drug and Diagnostics Development, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
How well do six hospitals offering PMTCT services in rural Cross River Nigeria perform on multiple Health care quality indicators for PMTCT? A quality Improvement study Joel Igu, MS HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health, Implementation and Behavioral Science, Treatment Adherence, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Host-pathogen Interactions during Vertical Transmission of Listeria monocytogenes Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Opportunistic Infection, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Health Provider Stress: A Potential Obstacle to Quality Patient Care in Maternal Health in Migori County, Kenya AnnMarie Kelly, MS Labor and Delivery
Health Evaluation, Applied Research, and Development (HEARD) Dilys Walker, MD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Global Strategies for HIV Prevention Arthur Ammann, MD HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health, Access or Barriers to Care
Gestational Dating at Birth by Metabolic Profile: Testing and Adaptation in African Settings and Added Benefits of Test Laura Jelliffe, PhD, MS Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
General Support for the UCSF Bixby Center J. Joseph Speidel, MD, MPH Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health
Finding Gene-Environment Interactions that are Predictive for Pre-term Birth Atul Butte, MD, PhD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
FACES Patient Care fund for research at Kenya Craig Cohen, MD, MPH HIV/AIDS, Infectious Disease, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Cancer/Oncology, Diet, Exercise, and Obesity, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Pediatrics, Newborn and Infant Health, Adolescent Health, Health Economics and Effectiveness, Access or Barriers to Care, Stigma and Discrimination, Training and Capacity Building, Training International Scholars and Clinicians
External Evaluation of Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation's Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Programme in Zimbabwe HIV/AIDS, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Risk Reduction and Prevention
Exploring the Dual Burden of Severe Maternal Morbidity and Preterm Birth in California Audrey Lyndon, PhD, RN, FAAN Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Expanding Efforts to Disseminate Information on the NASG to Reduce Global Maternal Mortality Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Evaluation of a program to improve quality supply of essential medicines and medical devices for maternal care and family planning in Honduras Laura Pineda Velandia, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Evaluating Shock Index Trajectories for Improving Management of Obstetric Hemorrhage Alison El Ayadi, ScD, MPH Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Evaluating Facility Readiness and Health Worker Capacity for Managing Post-Partum Hemorrhage (PPH) in PTBi intervention sites in Kenya and Uganda Claire Kidiiga, MS Labor and Delivery
Evaluating Alignment between Processes of Informed Consent and Donor Experience among Egg Donors in the United States Christina Garibaldi, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning
Environmental, Social and Biological Factors and Disparities in Preterm Birth Amy Padula, PhD Occupational and Environmental Disease, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Emergency Medicine training program in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Zlatan Coralic, PharmD, BCPS Surgery and Anesthesia, Trauma and PTSD, Labor and Delivery, Training and Capacity Building
Effectiveness and implementation considerations of respectful maternity care interventions in African countries: A systematic review. Labor and Delivery
Effect of a Patient-Centered Decision App on TOLAC: A Random Controlled Trial Miriam Kuppermann, PhD, MPH Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
EatSF Evaluation and Implementation Hilary K. Seligman, MD Malnutrition, Micronutrients, Food Insecurity, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Dissecting gene dysregulation at the maternal-fetal interface in preeclampsia Susan Fisher, PhD Genetics, Labor and Delivery
Development of PRONTO Implementation Plan for Community-Based Maternal and Newborn Program in Kenya Dilys Walker, MD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Family Planning, Newborn and Infant Health
Development of a mobile interactive education and support group intervention to improve postpartum health in India Nadia Diamond-Smith, MS, PhD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Critical Review of Literature on Ambient Air Pollution and Pregnancy-Induced Hypertensive Disorders Neha Sardana, MS Chronic Respiratory Disease, Occupational and Environmental Disease, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health, Systematic Reviews and Guideline Development
Continuum of Care: Addressing Postpartum Hemorrhage in India and Nigeria Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Labor and Delivery
Comprehensive Reintegration Assistance for Women with Obstetric Fistula Alison El Ayadi, ScD, MPH Neurology and Mental Health, Trauma and PTSD, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Clinton Health Access Initiative Pressure Study Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Classifying Preterm Birth in Kenya: An Outcome Not a Disease Lara Miller, MS Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Childbirth Experiences and Skilled Birth Attendance in Rural and Urban Southern Peru Brianna Vargas, MS Labor and Delivery
Challenges to the Kristeller maneuver in childbirth in Spain: Understanding the process of change in obstetrics Cinthia FitzGerald, MS Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Caregiver Burden of Obstetric Fistula Alison El Ayadi, ScD, MPH Surgery and Anesthesia, Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Body Strap Device for the Conservative Management of Uterovaginal (UV) Prolapse in Nigerian Women: A Qualitative Study Nnaemeka Nwaka, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Biomarkers of gestational age that circulate in a woman's blood Susan Fisher, PhD Labor and Delivery
Barriers to Care and Provider Perceptions of Kind and Respectful Simulation Based Training in Northern Ghana Brienne McNally, BSN, RN, OCN, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Barriers and Facilitators to Person-Centered Care Quality of Maternity Services Offered by High Volume, Public Health Hospitals in Uttar Pradesh, India Victoria Laleau, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Health Systems Strengthening
Anti-Shock Garments Case Series in Egypt: Reducing Maternal Mortality from Hemorrhage Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Analysis, Write Up, and Dissemination for Findings of Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) Trials in Nigeria and Egypt Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
Analysis of a Cultural Understanding of Respectful Maternal Care in Bihar, India Caroline Sagrera, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
An analysis of mobile phone access and the achievement of targets along the perinatal care continuum among women of reproductive age in India Sneha Krish, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Engagement in Care
Addressing Provider Stress and Unconscious Bias to Improve Quality of Maternal Health Care Patience Afulani, PhD, MD, MPH Labor and Delivery, Health Systems Strengthening, Training International Scholars and Clinicians
Addressing Demand and Supply-Side Factors to Improve Maternal and Newborn Health in Northern Ghana Patience Afulani, PhD, MD, MPH Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Health Economics and Effectiveness, Access or Barriers to Care
Adaptation of NASG Materials for WHO Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
A Self-Sustaining Perinatal Care System for Tibet [2] Suellen Miller, PhD, CNM, MHA Women's Health, Labor and Delivery
A Job Training Pilot Project Designed to Train Previously Incarcerated Women to Become Birth Doulas Monica McLemore, PhD, MPH, RN Labor and Delivery, Training and Capacity Building
A "Smart Diaphragm" for the Early Detection of Preterm Labor Larry Rand, MD Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
A "Smart Diaphragm" for the Early Detection of Preterm Labor Larry Rand, MD Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
11-10004 Regional Perinatal Programs of CA/ CA Diabetes and Pregnancy Programs Mary Lynch, RN, MPH, MA, FAAN Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
08-85004 Regional Perinatal Programs of CA / CA Diabetes and Pregnancy Programs Mary Lynch, RN, MPH, MA, FAAN Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
08-85002 Regional Perinatal Programs of CA / CA Diabetes and Pregnancy Programs Mary Lynch, RN, MPH, MA, FAAN Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health
Assessing the barriers and facilitators to Pronto Simulation program implementation on obstetric and neonatal care in primary health clinics in Bihar, India Priscilla Colon, MS Women's Health, Labor and Delivery, Newborn and Infant Health