Evaluation of a program to improve quality supply of essential medicines and medical devices for maternal care and family planning in Honduras

Investigator: Laura Pineda Velandia, MS
Sponsor: Global Health Sciences Education

Location(s): Honduras


Although maternal mortality rate (MMR) declined in Honduras by almost 54% in the last decade, compared to the average in Latin America and the Caribbean (67 deaths per 100.000 live births) the country still has one of the highest rate in the region (129/100.000). In the frame of the public-private partnership “Salud Mesoamerica Initiative” (SMI) Honduras has been implementing effective interventions to improve maternal health and family planning indicators addressing quality of services provided by health facilities in rural areas. In 2015 Management Sciences of Health (MSH) was hired by SMI to help 6 hospitals in Honduras to improve quality services and to evaluate progress on key processes in maternal care. Hospitals have been documenting indicators to measure quality improvements, however there is a lack of information about quality on the provision of medical supplies involved in the selected processes.