Assessing the barriers and facilitators to Pronto Simulation program implementation on obstetric and neonatal care in primary health clinics in Bihar, India

Investigator: Priscilla Colon, MS
Sponsor: Global Health Sciences Education

Location(s): India


India is one of two countries that jointly account for about a third of the world’s total maternal mortality. India also has a correspondingly high neonatal mortality rate. One intervention developed by Pronto International, uses simulation training as a tool to improve neonatal and obstetric care provided to mothers and infants during lifethreatening emergencies in Bihar, India. Midwife mentors combine simulation, teamwork, and clinical skill training to employ the Pronto curriculum and improve the way healthcare personnel respond when confronted with obstetric or neonatal emergencies. Understanding the “barriers and facilitators” to program adoption is critical to program scale up. Objectives: Our study assessed barriers and facilitators to implementing a team based simulation-training program developed by Pronto International in rural Bihar, North Eastern India.

Mentor: Dilys Walker, MD