Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

90 Archived Projects

Title Investigator Start End
Sustaining Vietnam's First Anonymous HIV Testing and Counseling Center Lindan
Global Health Initiatives Medlin
Preventing HIV by Protecting the Cervix Padian
Global Health Sustainability: Focusing on the Workforce Debas
Monitoring and Evaluation of a Malaria Control Program in Vanuatu Medlin
High-Quality, High Volume Cataract Surgery at Aravind as a Model for Male Circumcision Kahn
North American Consortium of Global Health Academic Programs Organizing Meeting Debas
Systematic Reviews of the Scientific Bases of Antituberculosis Chemotherapy ("Dogma" Review) Hopewell
Follow-up to Bellagio Conference: Increasing Access to Surgical Services in Resource Constrained Settings in Sub-Saharan Africa Debas
Support for Male Circumcision Evaluatation Meeting Rutherford
Immunological Targeting of APOBEC Proteins to Cure HIV Infection Nixon
Molecular Engineering of Erythrotropic Bacteria for Treatment and Prevention of Human Malaria Derisi
Design of an Effective Vaccine against HIV: An Alternative Hypothesis McCune
Consortium of Universities of Global Health (CUGH) Debas
Determination of the M. tuberculosis proteome interaction map (iMAP) during persistence Cox
HIV Incidence Testing in Hair Pilcher
The Global Health Group - From Analysis to Action Feachem
Identification of the CD8+ Cell Antiviral Factor (CAF)
PlasmoTrack: Spatiotemporal Tracking of Malaria Parasites Greenhouse
MUHAS-UCSF Academic Learning Project to Address the Health Workforce Crisis in Tanzania Martin-Holland
MUHAS-UCSF Academic Learning Project to Address the Health Workforce Crisis in Tanzania Macfarlane
U.C.-Wide School of Global Health Planning Debas
Conference Grant Proposal: First Global Conference on Social Franchising Montagu
Programmable Genetic Memory in Bacteroides: Diagnosis of Diarrheal Disease
Improving Data on Private Healthcare Use and Provision Montagu
Identification of a Viral Pathogen in Nematodes Kenyon
Leveraging Core Groups -- A New Way to Protect Against Infectious Trachoma Lietman
Iron-Dependent Drug Delivery as a New Paradigm in Anti-Parasitic Chemotherapy and Prophylaxis Renslo
Oral Drug Treatment for Enhanced Immune Control over HIV Replication Hartigan-O'Connor
Establishing Service Delivery Unit Cost Benchmarks to Inform Payment Rates by the Global Fund Yamey
Stakeholder Meeting on the Integration of Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Cohen
A "Smart Diaphragm" for the Early Detection of Preterm Labor Rand
C. elegans as a Targeted Molecular Surrogate for Filarid Parasites 2 Ashrafi
Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment for Obstetric Hemorrhage Miller
Consortium of Universities of Global Health (CUGH) - Leading the Way Debas
Design of an Effective Vaccine against HIV: An Alternative Hypothesis McCune
Integration of Family Planning into HIV Care and Treatment in Nyanza Province, Kenya Cohen
Increasing Support & Funding for the Development of New Contraceptives Speidel
Clinical Trial Simulation efforts for upcoming HIV therapeutic development. Savic
Commission on Investing in Health (CIH) Phase 2: Leveraging the Convergence Indicators to Shape the Post-2015 Development Goals Yamey
Using Apicoplast-Deficient Parasites to Identify Anti-Malaria Compounds That Specifically Target This Organelle Derisi
Developing the Evidence for Global Health Policy and Advocacy Feachem
Preparation of Background Papers to Inform the Gates Foundation Malaria Strategy Gosling
NAPPMED Planning Grant: Engaging Patent and Proprietary Medicine Dealers to improve management of childhood diarrhea and pneumonia in Nigeria Montagu
Maternal Neonatal and Child Care-Seeking Project Montagu
Non-invasive diagnosis of viable adult filarial infections Sakanari
Auranofin supplies to test as a macrofilaricide for human onchocerciasis Sepulveda
Targeting host autophagy for treating Mtb infections and synergizing with antibiotics in vivo Cox
Facilitation for Family Planning Convening on Non-Use of Contraceptives Boyle
HIV Incidence Testing using Multiple Biological Specimens Pilcher
Precision Public Health Conference Bibbins-Domingo
Process Evaluation and Toolkit Development in Support of Family Planning Integration into HIV Care & Treatment in Kenya Cohen
Developing a Macrofilaricidal Drug for Onchocerciasis Using Anacor's Novel Oxaborole Technology McKerrow
Prototype of technology's role to facilitate surveillance needs for malaria elimination Sturrock
Building a Stronger Evidence Base on Malaria Elimination Feachem
Evaluating Re-active Surveillance Strategies for Malaria Elimination in Swaziland (co-investigator) Baltzell
Commission on Investing in Health (CIH) Phase 3: Leveraging Global Health 2035 to Shape the SDGs and the Health Investments of Donor, Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries Yamey
Applying molecular epidemiology to accelerate to zero Greenhouse
SEARCH (Sustained East Africa Research in Community Health) Study in Kenya and Uganda/ Gates Havlir
Fighting Infections through Research, Science and Technology (FIRST) Phase 1 and 2: Creating a Partnership to Fight Neglected Infectious Disease in Mesoamerica Sepulveda
Private Providers and Primary Health Care Boyle
Monitoring and Evaluation to Support Sayana Press Scale-Up in Nigeria 2015-2016 Liu
Improving quality of obstetric and neonatal care through mentoring and simulation training: a collaboration in Bihar Walker
BSL3 upgrading for Live-attenuated poliovirus testing Andino-Pavlovsky
Impact of interferon-alpha inhibition on immune function and viral persistence in HIV disease Deeks
A "Smart Diaphragm" for the Early Detection of Preterm Labor Rand
Accelerating progress towards Malaria Eradication: Working across Global, Regional, and National levels, and through Operational Research, to Shrink the Malaria Map Feachem
Preparing Vietnam for Malaria Elimination Gosling
Planning Grant for a large scale azithromycin trial for prevention of under-5 mortality in Niger Lietman
A Collaborative Approach to the Design of a Genetically-Stable Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV-2) Andino-Pavlovsky
Gestational Dating at Birth by Metabolic Profile: Translation into Hospital Settings Jelliffe
An Evaluation of the Common Application System Walker
Curation and dissemination of ACS progressor datasets Butte
Adherence Monitoring impact in Global Health - Planning Grant Savic
Patient Centered Process Quality for Maternal and Child Health & Family Planning (PCPQ_MCHFP) Montagu
Gestational Dating at Birth by Metabolic Profile: Testing and Adaptation in African Settings and Added Benefits of Test Jelliffe
Mortality Reduction After Oral Azithromycin Lietman
Credentialing Banked Placental Biospecimen Quality Fisher
Preventing Infant Malnutrition with Early Supplementation (PRIMES) Study Park
PRIMES: Preventing infant malnutrition with early supplementation Flaherman
Achieving Global Malaria Eradication through Accelerated Regional Elimination Feachem
Pathway to sustain and expand obstetric and neonatal simulation and team training in Bihar Walker
Preterm Birth Initiative Walker
Lesion Drug Penetration and Translational Modeling Savic
Integrating simulations & team-based training into nurse mentoring in Uttar Pradesh Walker
Modernization of Phase 3 TB Clinical Trial Endpoints Phillips
Enabling Better Planned Transitions of Malaria Programming from Global Fund Financing to Domestic Financing Fewer
UnMASC: Uganda Malaria Actionable Surveillance in the time of Coronavirus Tekeste
Building the evidence base for unlocking demand for self-injection Holt
AVENIR: Assessing the impact of azithromycin on child mortality in Niger Lietman