NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse

41 Archived Projects

Title Investigator Start End
Integrated Drug and Medical Care - Cost and Effectiveness Weisner
A Clinical Trial of DOT for HAART in Jailed Drug Users / AIDS Related Tulsky
Drugs, Gender and Healthcare Use among HIV+ Homeless Riley
Asian Men's Health Study Choi
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nicotine Benowitz
Course of Problems in Adolescent Drug Treatment Intakes Weisner
Acute Hepatitis C Infection in Young Injectors Page
Amphetamine-Type Stimulant (ATS) Use HIV among Young Female Sex and Entertainment Workers in Cambodia Page
Pharmacogenetics of Nicotine Addiction and Treatment Benowitz
Long-Term Impact of Drug Treatment on Outcome and Cost Weisner
Pain and Misuse of Prescription Opioids in a Community-Based HIV-Infected Cohort Kushel
Impact of a Computer-Assisted SBIRT Program in an HIV Care Setting Dawson-Rose
Navigator Enhanced Case Management for Jail Inmates Myers
Dynamic Modeling of the Hepatitis C Epidemic in Injection Drug Users Hahn
A Stress and Coping Model of Stimulant Use among MSM Carrico
Integrated Drug and Medical Care-Cost and Effectiveness Weisner
Role of Buprenorphine in Improving Clinical Care in Opioid Addiction and HIV McCance-Katz
Disulfiram Interactions With HIV Medications: Clinical Implications McCance-Katz
Protection from HIV Infection in Intravenous Drug Users
A Pilot Random Control Trial of Expressive Writing with HIV-Positive Methamphetamine Users Carrico
Effects of Housing and HIV on Risk Behavior and Victimization of Indigent Women Riley
Improving HAART Adherence in HIV+ Active Drug Users Newville
Defective Forebrain Development in Mutant Mice
A Family Intervention to Reduce Smoking among Chinese and Vietnamese Men Tsoh
Antiviral Role of APOBEC3 in HIV/HCV Coinfected Patients Pillai
The Impact of Health Care Reform on Addiction and HIV Services Satre
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nicotine Benowitz
Tobacco Control and Research and Training in South America Perez-Stable
Crucial Transitions in Young Opioid Users in Iran Malekinejad
Acute Hepatitis C Infection in Young Injectors Page
International Collaborative of Prospective Studies of HIV and Hepatitis in IDU Page
Technology to Connect At-Risk Youth to Testing Lightfoot
Navigator Enhanced Case Management for Jail Inmates Myers
Substance Use and HIV Prevention Research in Minority Communities Training Program Lightfoot
Heroin Price, Purity, and Outcomes Study Ciccarone
Multiple Opioid Receptors and the Control of Pain
Mechanisms of the Nicotine Metabolism Effect on Tobacco Dependence Benowitz
Cambodia Integrated HIV and Drug Prevention Implementation Program Page
Treatment for Complex Patients: Continuing and Extended Care Guydish
Seek, Test, Treat and Retain Strategies Leveraging Mobile Health and Internet-Based Technologies Tulsky
Random Control Trial of an Integrative Intervention for Non-Treatment-Seeking Meth Users Carrico