Commission on Investing in Health (CIH) Phase 3: Leveraging Global Health 2035 to Shape the SDGs and the Health Investments of Donor, Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries

Sponsor: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Location(s): United States


Global Health 2035: A World Converging within a Generation, the report of the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health (CIH). Global Health 2035 (, published on December 3, 2013, provides a roadmap to achieving dramatic gains in global health through a grand convergence around infectious, child and maternal mortality; major reductions in the incidence and consequences of non-communicable diseases and injuries; and the promise of “pro-poor” universal health coverage. 3rd phase of the Commission’s work, focused on leveraging the Global Health 2035 report to shape the post-2015 health goals and the health investments of donor countries and LMICs.

CIH Phase 3 has three specific goals:

1) Help shape the post-2015 health sector goal and associated targets/indicators, ensuring that they have a sound technical basis. 
2) Inform donor investments in health and influence the G7 process—making the case for sustained development assistance for health (DAH) and for DAH to be targeted at high-impact, highly cost-effective interventions (e.g. family planning, vaccinations). 
3) Inform future health investment decisions by LMICs—making the case for greater domestic investment in the health sector and for financing of those interventions with the highest mortality impact.