Commission on Investing in Health (CIH) Phase 3: Leveraging Global Health 2035 to Shape the SDGs and the Health Investments of Donor, Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries
Location(s): United States
Global Health 2035: A World Converging within a Generation, the report of the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health (CIH). Global Health 2035 (, published on December 3, 2013, provides a roadmap to achieving dramatic gains in global health through a grand convergence around infectious, child and maternal mortality; major reductions in the incidence and consequences of non-communicable diseases and injuries; and the promise of “pro-poor” universal health coverage. 3rd phase of the Commission’s work, focused on leveraging the Global Health 2035 report to shape the post-2015 health goals and the health investments of donor countries and LMICs.
CIH Phase 3 has three specific goals: