Johns Hopkins University

52 Archived Projects

Title Investigator
Start End
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trial - Leadership Wara
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group Leadership Award Shepherd
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trial Group Master Member Agreement Shepherd
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group Leadership Award Shepherd
Development of Rectal Enema As Microbicide (DREAM) Savic
Integrative Pharmacology Approach to Understand Mechanisms of Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Savic
Pharmacostatistical Modeling and Simulation of Randomized Clinical PrEP Trials Savic
Protocol Development Co-Chair for Phase I/II, Multi-Center, Open-Label Pharmacokinetic, Safety, Tolerability and Antiviral Activity of GSK 1349572, a novel integrase inhibitor, in combination regimens in HIV-1 Infected Infants, Children & Adolescents Ruel
LOC-IMPAACT Leadership Group Ruel
Streamlining Trauma Research Evaluation with Advanced Measurement (STREAM Study) Miclau
The Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium Miclau
METRC 2 Miclau
The Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium Miclau
Early Antiretroviral Therapy and HIV Remission in Perinatal Infection McCune
NAAccord (CHK-UP on HIV Supplement) Martin
North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) Martin
North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) Martin
North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) Martin
Research to Programs for Trachoma Elimination Lietman
North American AIDS Cohorts Collaboration on Research and Design Kushel
Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Kim
Posting at the Makerere University and Johns Hopkins University HIV Clinical Trials Unit in Kampala, Uganda Homsy
Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Week Long International Training Program Glantz
Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Week Long International Training Program Glantz
Measuring TB Drugs in Hair as a Tool to Monitor Adherence, Exposure and Response Gandhi
Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Duncan
Measuring the Latent reservoir for HIV Deeks
Disulfiram to Accelerate Decay in HIV Reservoirs in ART Treated Patients Deeks
Combination HIV Prevention for the General Population of Adults and Youth, including Persons Living with HIV in Mozambique Dawson-Rose
UZ-UCSF CTU JHU IMPAACT PF: Task Order 3 Chirenje
Parirenyatwa - International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group UZ UCSF CTU Chirenje
Seke North - International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group UZ Chirenje
St Marys - International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group UZ Chirenje
IMPAACT Yr 08 P1077 CTU MOU #2 - St. Mary's Chirenje
IMPAACT Yr 08 P1077 CTU MOU #2 - Seke North Chirenje
IMPAACT Yr 08 P1077 CTU MOU #2 - Parirenyatwa Chirenje
Comparative Effectiveness of Rapid Diagnostics for Tuberculosis in Uganda Cattamanchi
A User-Friendly Epidemic-Economic Model of Diagnostic Tests for Tuberculosis Cattamanchi
New Approaches for Empowering Studies of Asthma in Populations of African Descent Burchard
Infectious Diseases Training program in Bolivia: South-South Training with Peru Bern
Novel Techniques for the Detections of Pediatric Tuberculosis in Ethiopia Bern
Naturally acquired immunity to norovirus in a newborn cohort in Peru Bern
Naturally acquired immunity to norovirus in a newborn cohort in Peru Bern
Predictors of Cardiomyopathy Progression in a Cohort of Bolivian Patients with Chagas Disease Bern
LOC-IMPAACT Leadership Group Aweeka
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group Leadership Award Aweeka
Macular Edema Treatment Trials Associated with MUST (META-MUST) Acharya
ADalimumab Vs. conventional ImmunoSupprEssion for uveitis (ADVISE) Trial Acharya
Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial Acharya
The Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium
Genetic Determinants of Capecitabine Toxicity
Master Member Agreement: Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium