NIH National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

26 Archived Projects

Title Investigator Start End
Role of oral herpesvirus microbiota in pathogenesis of HIV mother to child transmission Tugizov
Influence of Financial Incentives on Oral Disease Management in Young Children Gansky
Sjögren’s International Collaborative Clinical Alliance Next Generation Studies (SICCA-NextGen) Shiboski
Evaluating Standardized Preventive Care to Reduce Dental Disparities in Children Mertz
Evaluating Standardized Preventive Care to Reduce Dental Disparities in Children Mertz
Molecular mechanisms of oral HIV transmission modeling MTCT Tugizov
Molecular basis of tissue interactions that regulate craniofacial development
Molecular Mechanisms of Oral HIV Transmission Modeling MTCT Tugizov
Addressing Oral Health Literacy among Mexican Immigrants Burke
Functional Glycomics of Human Saliva Fisher
Developmental Mechanisms Underlying Genotype-Phenotype Correlations
Centering Pregnancy Oral Health Promotion (CPOP) Clinical Trial Planning Grant Adams
Influence of Financial Incentives on Oral Disease Management in Young Children Gansky
Coordinating Center to Help Eliminate/Reduce Oral Health Inequalities in Children Gansky
Epigenetic and genetic contributors to chronic neuropathic pain
The Role of Continuous Phenotypic Variation in Structural Defects of the Face
Parental Preventive Behaviors and Oral Health in Latino Children Hoeft
International Research Registry Network for Sjögren Syndrome Shiboski
HIV Transcellular and Transsynaptic Penetration of Mucosal Epithelium Tugizov
Maternal Nutrition Education and Early Childhood Caries: A Randomized Field Study Chaffee
International Research Registry Network for Sjogren's Syndrome Shiboski
EBV BMRF-2 Protein in Infection of Oral Epithelial Cells Tugizov
Western Oral Research Consortium: Career Development Greenspan
Oral Health Outcomes in Pediatric Transplant Recipients Shiboski
Oral Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients Shiboski
Oral Manifestations of AIDS Greenspan