The University of California Health Care Safety Net Research Collaborative

Investigator: Claire Brindis, DrPH
Sponsor: Blue Shield of California Foundation

Location(s): United States


The University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Los Angeles, and University of California, San Francisco, working in partnership with researchers from The Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy at UCSF, released a collection of research briefs, targeted reports, and a clinic financial primer describing the impact of health care reform on providers serving low-income populations.
Supported by a grant from the Blue Shield of California Foundation, research topics addressed by the University of California Health Care Safety Net Research Collaborative include:
  • Successful county strategies for developing safety net provider network for enrollees in county coverage initiatives;
  • The geographic distribution and health status of California's uninsured population after health care reform implementation;
  • The impact of health care reform on community clinic finances;
  • Best practices for using Health Information Exchanges (HIE) between safety net hospitals, community health centers, and physician practices.