Poison Control

Investigator: Stuart Heard, PharmD
Sponsor: CALIF Emergency Med Svcs Authority

Location(s): United States


The California EMS Authority, through standard setting, consensus building, and leadership, plays a central role in improving the quality of emergency medical services available for all Californians.

The EMS Authority oversees the operation of California’s statewide poison control system. Poison control services, which can save lives, prevent disabilities, and reduce health care costs, are provided free of charge and can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year by calling 1-800-222-1222 or visiting their website.

Responsibilities for California’s poison control system include the following:

  • Development of state standards for poison control services and poison centers;
  • Designation and monitoring of the poison control services contractor;
  • Evaluation of poison control system operations and site reviews of poison center answering points;
  • Provision of technical assistance to poison control center administrators; and
  • Provision of assistance to the poison control services contractor in identifying sources of funding to support poison control services operations.