A Multivariate Analysis of Risk Factors to Cervical HPV Infection: An Evaluation of 150 Women under the GINI Study in Bangkok, Thailand
Location(s): Thailand
The tendency of cervical HPV infection to progress into cancer, warts, and related symptoms has been well documented. However, many risk factors for HPV infection have also been postulated. Evidence shows that among other factors, age, number of sexual partners, age of sexual onset, contraceptive use, and smoking can be important influences in HPV progression. These findings emphasize the complex, multifactorial relationships involved in the cause and progression of HPV infection, representing an area of research in need of study. Because few studies have addressed HPV infection through prospective observation, relevance of current findings regarding important risk factors for cervical HPV infection remains largely inferential. The purpose of this study is to explore risk factors for vaccinespecific (HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18), oncogenic (HPV 16 and 18), and wart-causing (HPV 6 and 11) cervical HPV infection in young and healthy Thai women enrolled under the Gardasil Immunogenicity with Needle-Free Injection (GINI) vaccine study active in Bangkok, Thailand. Our study focuses on understanding the dynamics of cervical HPV infection through analysis of the many demographic, sexual history-related, and OBGYN history-related factors in the female patient cohort
Mentor: Joel Palefsky, MD