Maternal and Infant Environmental Exposure Project (MIEEP) Pilot Study

Investigator: Tracey Woodruff, PhD, MPH
Sponsor: California Wellness Foundation

Location(s): United States


The Maternal and Infant Environmental Exposure Project (MIEEP), also known as the Chemicals in our Bodies Project, is a collaborative study involving Biomonitoring California, the University of California (UC) San Francisco Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment (PRHE), and the UC Berkeley School of Public Health.  The project measures environmental chemical exposures in 65 mother-infant pairs and an additional 27 pregnant women. English- and Spanish-speaking pregnant women were recruited at San Francisco General Hospital in 2010-2011.  Urine samples and questionnaire information were collected in the third trimester of pregnancy, and maternal and umbilical cord blood samples were collected at delivery.