Identifying Variants Casual for Type 2 Diabetes in Major Human Populations

Investigator: Mark Seielstad, PhD
Sponsor: University of Oxford

Location(s): South Korea; Singapore; Finland; United Kingdom


Uses an oligo based sequence capture to resequence exons of about 300 genes located beneath T2Dsignals implicated mainly by GWAS and earlier mapping approaches. These genes will be sequenced in 5,000 cases and 50000 controls representing populations in Korea, Singapore (Chinese and Indian), African Americans, Latino Americans, Pima Indians, Ashkenazi Jews, Finns, and British,  Because GWAS typically implicates a region encompassing many genes and their controlling elements, rather than unambiguously identifying a signal causal gene: it is expected that these data will both implicate the causal gene or genes beneath each GWAS signal as well as leading to a fairly complete characterization of the allelic architecture underlying such associations in a representative collection of global population samples. The size and diversity of this group is unprecedented, and we are likely to gain a very comprehensive understanding of the allelic architecture of major genes underlying common, complex disease risk.