Health system/workforce planning and performance
Location(s): Kenya; South Africa; Ghana; China; Thailand; Jordan; Papua New Guinea
In the late 1950’s served as a medical director for a 30-bed hospital in the mountains of Puerto Rico. Worked on projects in Peru and Chile focused on health system and workforce planning, reproductive health, and population studies. Spent eight years working and teaching on population-related issues, family planning services delivery, and health workforce planning and deployment. Hall has worked extensively with the WHO and the World Bank to strengthen health systems in China, Jordan, Papua New Guinea, Kenya, Thailand, Ghana, S. Africa and other countries.
At UCSF since 1987, retiring in 1996, he continued to direct a postdoctoral training program in HIV/AIDS prevention studies, taught global health courses, and consulted internationally, and works currently with the Consortium of Univs. for Global Health.