Global Fund Prospective Country Evaluations
Investigator: George Rutherford, MD
Sponsor: Euro Health Group AS
Location(s): Mozambique; South Sudan; Uganda; Congo (Kinshasa); Senegal; Cambodia; Myanmar; Guatemala
Prospective country evaluations will establish country platforms that support dynamic, continuous monitoring and evaluation, learning and problem-solving. They aim to:
- Examine and analyze implementation of Global Fund strategic objectives
- Provide real-time information to allow countries and the Global Fund Secretariat to adapt and adjust program implementation
- Identify challenges that impede programmed performance and opportunities to inform and improve program quality for impact, effectiveness, and value for money
- Measure program contributions to impact
- Strengthen country monitoring and evaluation systems for robust measurement
- Identify and disseminate best practices to improve the Global Fund model
Country selection criteria
The Technical Evaluation Reference Group selected eight countries to be evaluated, aiming for a balance of geography and diseases. There was a focus on high-impact countries in which:
- Gender inequalities are a major driver of the epidemics
- There is stagnation or reversal of disease trends, high multi-drug resistance, and/or malaria elimination; and/or
- There are resilient and sustainable systems for health grants
The eight countries are Cambodia, Congo (Democratic Republic), Guatemala, Mozambique, Myanmar, Senegal, Sudan and Uganda.
The prospective country evaluations will be presented the Global Fund Board in the coming years.