Culturally Sensitive School-Home Behavioral Program for Latino Children with ADHD

Investigator: Lauren Haack, PhD, MD, MPH
Sponsor: NIH National Institute of Mental Health

Location(s): United States


Although Latino children (who are expected to comprise one quarter of the youth population by 2050) are at as great or greater risk for displaying ADHD, Latino children are under-diagnosed and underserved compared to non-Latino children. Investigation of differential response to existing evidence-based treatments for ADHD and subsequent development of culturally-sensitive guidelines may increase problem recognition, encourage decision to seek appropriate help, and improve completion of, satisfaction with, and outcomes from service utilization to ultimately reduce the mental health disparities between Latino and non-Latino children with ADHD.

The proposed research and training plan aims to provide the applicant with experience implementing and analyzing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity-Impulsivity Disorder (ADHD) clinical trials, utilizing qualitative methodolog to determine meaningful themes and develop culturally sensitive guidelines for diverse families in need of mental health services, expanding multicultural competence and sensitivity, and advancing independence as a clinical researcher. ADHD is one of the most common childhood mental health disorders across cultures, with the continuously growing Latino youth population displaying as great or greater risk for ADHD. Latino children experience unfortunate mental health disparities leaving them less likely to seek and receive appropriate ADHD services, which can prevent long-lasting and widespread impairment in the areas of academic, social, and familial functioning related to ADHD. In order to reduce mental health disparities for Latino children, the field is in need of culturally-sensitive clinical psychologists trained to conduct intervention research and develop guidelines for culturally appropriate ADHD services. The training proposed in the current plan will set the stage for the applicant's career as an independent clinical researcher focused on developing, investigating, and disseminating culturally-appropriate assessment and treatment practices for children with ADHD. We hope to achieve the following specific aims:
Aim 1) Compare Latino and non-Latino families recruited for and participating in ADHD services at all levels of the help-seeking behavior model.
Aim 2) Conduct mixed-method investigation with Latino families participating in CLS and develop culturally- sensitive guidelines for ADHD behavioral treatment.