ACTG A5335s Specialty Lab
Location(s): United States
The ACTG Network Laboratory (ACTG NL) provides centralized laboratory services for HIV-1 RNA quantification and viral sequencing for drug resistance, support for U.S. specimen-processing laboratories, support for international service laboratories (safety testing, CD4+ cell count, and TB diagnostics), and support for the Oral HIV/AIDS Research Alliance (OHARA; funded by the National Institute for Dental and Cranial Research [NIDCR]). Through the coordinating efforts of the HIV/AIDS Network Coordinating Center (HANC), the ACTG NL participates in a plan to harmonize laboratory testing across networks to improve efficiency and collaboration through an established Total Quality Management (TQM) program that emphasizes good clinical laboratory practices (GCLP) and real-time monitoring of proficiency testing (PT) results.