Lung Biology Center (LBC)

Archived Projects: 21

Project Investigator
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Genetic Control of Airway Epithelium Gene Expression in Childhood Asthmatics Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Genes, air pollution, and asthma severity in minority children Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Pharmacogenomics of Bronchodilator Response in Minority Children with Asthma Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Whole Genome Analyses for Asthma in Latino Populations Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
New York Center for Collaborative Research in Common Disease Genomics Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Genetics of Asthma in Latino Americans Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Center for Multi- and Trans-ethnic Mapping of Mendelian and Complex Diseases Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Gene-Environments and Admixture in Latino Asthmatics (GALA 2) Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Natural History of Viral Induced Airway Dysfunction and Asthma in Minority Children Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
The EVE Asthma Genetics Consortium: Building Upon GWAS Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Integrative Analyses to Uncover Biological Mechanisms Mediating Gene Associations with Asthma Drug Response Among Minority Children Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
The Airway Functional Genomics of Bronchodilator Drug Response in Minority Children with Asthma Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
New Approaches for Empowering Studies of Asthma in Populations of African Descent Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Escaneo genomico completo del paciente con diabetes tipo 2 para la busqueda de nuevos marcadores de asociacion con enfermedad Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
UCSF-Genentech Asthma Collaboration Task Order Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Pharmacogenomics of Bronchodilator Response in Minority Children with Asthma Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Case-Control Association Studies and Genetic Confounding Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Gene-Environment Analyses of Early Life Exposures and Asthma in Ethnically Diverse Children Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Air pollution, tobacco smoke, & asthma in minority children Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Bay Area Research Consortium on Toxic Stress and Health Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH Lung Biology Center (LBC)
Effects of Chronic Exposure to Ozone on Lung Function John Balmes, MD Lung Biology Center (LBC)