Family PACT Evaluation Project

Investigator: Philip Darney, MD, MS
Sponsor: California Department of Public Health

Location(s): United States


The Office of Family Planning (OFP) is charged by the California Legislature “to make available to citizens of the State who are of childbearing age comprehensive medical knowledge, assistance, and services relating to the planning of families”.  The purpose of family planning is to provide women and men a means by which they decide for themselves the number, timing, and spacing of their children.

The OFP administers the Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment (Family PACT) program.  Family PACT is California’s innovative approach to provide comprehensive family planning services to eligible low income (under 200% federal poverty level) men and women.  Family PACT serves 1.8 million income eligible men and women of childbearing age through a network of 2,200 public and private providers.  Services include comprehensive education, assistance, and services relating to family planning.