Redes En Accion: Cancer Awareness, Research and Training

Investigator: Eliseo Perez-Stable, MD
Sponsor: Baylor College of Medicine

Location(s): United States


The CIS and Redes En Acción share common goals of raising awareness, providing research opportunities and educating Latinosaround the country about cancer. The relationship is an excellent example of CIS efforts to bring education about cancer control to partner organizations that serve minority and medically underserved communities. The CIS-Redes partnership is based on collaboration and reciprocity. CIS resources focus on promotion, capacity-building and technical assistance for Latino organizations and individuals such as cancer researchers. Redes En Acción, in turn, provides the CIS with a strong professional base of Latino researchers and promotes CIS services for the Latino community, including access to cancer information in Spanish through the 1-800-4-CANCER phone line and through Spanish-language publications.