Estimating the Incidence and Associated Costs of Post-Abortion Complications from Medi-Cal Data

Investigator: Ushma Upadhyay, PhD, MPH

Location(s): United States


The Evaluation of Abortion Restrictions Project conducts rigorous, high-quality research to understand and document the impact of state-level abortion restrictions on women. Parental involvement laws and restrictions on public funding for abortion have been studied extensively. There is less research about other types of restrictions and much of the research about the effects of those restrictions has methodological limitations.

The Evaluation of Abortion Restrictions Project aims to:

  • Focus on understudied restrictions, such as: 72-hour waiting periods, “TRAP” (Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers) laws, gestational limits, state-mandated counseling, ultrasound requirements, and/or medication abortion restrictions
  • Document the impacts of restrictions on women
  • Document the disparate impacts of restrictions on particular groups of women, across age, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and rural versus urban
  • Identify strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of restrictions, such as enhancing other health and services for women unable to have abortions because of the restrictions
  • Use rigorous research methods
  • Collaborate with university-based researchers in states affected by the restrictions we are studying
  • Disseminate findings to academic, provider, public, community-based organization, and policy-making audiences