Discovering Healthcare Innovations to Address Disparities in Stroke (DIADS)
Location(s): United States
The goal of this pragmatic study is to improve hypertension (HTN) control rate in blacks and to reduce racial disparity in HTN control. To accomplish this, the investigators propose to perform a cluster randomized controlled trial at the primary care provider (PCP) level and including 191 PCPs within KPNC East Bay Service Area with more than 45,000 patients in the HTN registry of which approximately 15,000 are black. The investigators will randomize all PCP patient panels to a three-arm trial to receiving either 1) usual care; or 2) culturally tailored diet and lifestyle coaching; or 3) an intensified BP management protocol with pharmacotherapy. The "Shake, Rattle and Roll" trial is named for: 1) "shake" the salt habit; 2) "rattle" the intensity of current BP management; and 3) design the interventions with the goal of being able to adapt and "roll" them out to community clinics outside of a managed care system. Primary research question: whether a primary prevention intervention of either diet and lifestyle coaching or an intensive pharmacotherapy protocol is more effective than usual care in improving rates of HTN control in blacks and thereby reducing disparities between black and white. Primary aim: By implementing either intervention, the investigators will reduce the disparity in hypertension control rates between blacks and whites by 4% at 1 year post-study enrollment. Hypothesis: Among blacks with HTN, a diet/lifestyle coaching intervention or an intensified BP management protocol will result in an increase in HTN control rate compared to usual care. Primary outcome: the proportion of patients with sustained BP control at 1 year post-study enrollment.