Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3)

Phone: (415) 514-9790

Location(s): Malaysia; Mexico; Nicaragua


QB3 has research facilities at UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz and UCSF. An academic director heads each campus site. QB3’s director oversees operations as a whole. Regis B. Kelly, PhD serves as overall director, and Nevan Krogan, PhD is the QB3-UCSF director.

QB3 Malaysia Program

The QB3 Malaysia Program helps Malaysia achieve that vision by providing research training to Malaysian graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in the life sciences. These researchers will return to Malaysia and work as a team at the Malaysian Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals to advance the fast-expanding local drug industry.

The program represents a collaborative effort between QB3 and the Malaysian Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals, and is part of QB3’s effort to advance global health care.

Archived Projects: 12

Investigator Topics Location Start End Link to delete content
Viral Discovery in Human and Animal Samples Charles Chiu, MD, PhD Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Drug and Diagnostics Development Rwanda; Uganda; Tanzania; Cameroon; Congo (Kinshasa); Congo (Brazzaville); Gabon; China; Bangladesh; Nepal; Cambodia; Indonesia; Viet Nam; Laos; Malaysia; Thailand; Mexico; Bolivia; Brazil; Peru
Using Pan-Pathogen Microarrays and Deep Sequencing to Search for the Cause of Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI) Charles Chiu, MD, PhD Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance United States
To Discover and Characterize Novel Viruses in Cancer Charles Chiu, MD, PhD Infectious Disease, Cancer/Oncology United States
QB3-Malaysia Research and Bio-Entrepreneurship Training Program Regis Kelly, MD Training and Capacity Building Malaysia
Iron-Dependent Drug Delivery as a New Paradigm in Anti-Parasitic Chemotherapy and Prophylaxis Adam Renslo, PhD Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Drug and Diagnostics Development United States
International Fellowship Program in Drug Development Drug and Diagnostics Development, Training and Capacity Building, Residencies, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Training United States
Identification of Novel Therapeutics Molecules against Old and New World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Adam Renslo, PhD Drug and Diagnostics Development United States
iBioSeminars: A Web-Based Educational Resource for Biologists Ronald Vale, PhD Training and Capacity Building United States
Genomic Technology Development and Infectious Diseases Joseph Derisi, PhD Infectious Disease United States
Framework to Address Drug Resistant Infections and Global Health Joseph Derisi, PhD Infectious Disease United States
Development of Anti-Malarial Preclinical Candidates Joseph Derisi, PhD Malaria United States
Detection and Discovery of Viral Pathogens Associated with Dengue-like Symptoms in Nicaragua Joseph Derisi, PhD Infectious Disease, Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Epidemiology and Surveillance Nicaragua