Francis I. Proctor Foundation

Location(s): Ethiopia; Tanzania; Niger; China; Japan; India; Nepal; Thailand; Denmark; United Kingdom; Argentina; United States


The Proctor Foundation was founded in 1947 for the specific aim of eradicating trachoma worldwide. Since that time, it has evolved into a major research and teaching unit at UCSF, with the Foundation’s goal remaining the prevention and treatment of blindness worldwide. The International Programs division at Proctor has taken over the original goal of the foundation and has focused on the prevention of blindness programs in Asia and Africa.

Archived Projects: 27

Project Investigator
Topics Location Start End Link to delete content
Evaluation of Abbott RealTime CT/NG for the Detection of C. trachomatis & N. gonorrhoeae from the Pharynx, Rectum & Urethra of MSM Julius Schachter, PhD Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) United States
CDC Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Center Travis Porco, PhD, MPH Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance United States
Modeling Contact Investigation and Rapid Response Travis Porco, PhD, MPH Eye Disease and Blindness Ethiopia
What is the Appropriate Frequency and Duration of Mass Azithromycin Thomas Lietman, MD Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment Ethiopia
Strategies for the Control and Elimination of Blinding Trachoma Thomas Lietman, MD Infectious Disease, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Eye Disease and Blindness Egypt
Elimination of Infectious Trachoma from Ethiopia Using Repeated Mass Antibiotic Distributions Thomas Lietman, MD Infectious Disease, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Eye Disease and Blindness Ethiopia
Research to Programs for Trachoma Elimination Thomas Lietman, MD Infectious Disease, Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Epidemiology and Surveillance Tanzania; Gambia; Niger
P-S RPB - Assessing Corneal Ulcer Prevention with a Community-Randomized Trial Thomas Lietman, MD Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment India
Mortality Reduction After Oral Azithromycin Thomas Lietman, MD Infectious Disease, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Eye Disease and Blindness, Epidemiology and Surveillance Ethiopia; Niger
Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial Thomas Lietman, MD Infectious Disease, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment India
The Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial Thomas Lietman, MD Infectious Disease, Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment India
Leveraging Core Groups -- A New Way to Protect Against Infectious Trachoma Thomas Lietman, MD Infectious Disease, Eye Disease and Blindness, Epidemiology and Surveillance Ethiopia; Tanzania; Gambia; Niger; India
TANA II Thomas Lietman, MD Infectious Disease, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment, Epidemiology and Surveillance Ethiopia
Predicting Resistance: Validating Mathematical Models Thomas Lietman, MD Eye Disease and Blindness, Epidemiology and Surveillance Ethiopia; India
Eliminating Trachoma with Repeat Mass Drug Treatment Thomas Lietman, MD Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment Ethiopia; Niger
CDA - Improving the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acanthamoeba Keratitis Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH Eye Disease and Blindness United States
Planning Grant for Parasitic Ulcer Treatment Trial Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH Eye Disease and Blindness United States
Optimal Trachoma Control after Mass Antibiotic Distributions Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH Eye Disease and Blindness Ethiopia
Primary and Secondary Effects of Mass Antibiotic Distributions for Trachoma Eye Disease and Blindness Ethiopia; Tanzania
Predicting and Improving Outcomes in Bacterial and Fungal Keratitis Nisha Acharya, MD Infectious Disease, Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Eye Disease and Blindness Ethiopia
Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial Nisha Acharya, MD Eye Disease and Blindness, Drug and Diagnostics Development United Kingdom; Australia
Predicting and Improving Critical Outcomes for Bacterial Keratitis Nisha Acharya, MD Infectious Disease, Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Eye Disease and Blindness India
F.I. Proctor Foundation Uveitis Fellowship training program Nisha Acharya, MD Eye Disease and Blindness, Training and Capacity Building United States
Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial (MUTT) Nisha Acharya, MD Infectious Disease, Eye Disease and Blindness India
First-line Antimetabolites as Steroid-sparing Treatment (FAST) Uveitis Trial Nisha Acharya, MD Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment India; Mexico; Australia
Phase 1 Iontophoretic Delivery of Dexamethasone for Tx of Anterior Scleritis Nisha Acharya, MD Eye Disease and Blindness, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment United States
Safety and Efficacy of Difluprednate 0.05% for the Treatment of Anterior Uveitis Nisha Acharya, MD Eye Disease and Blindness United States