Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)

The PPHG (formerly the Institute for Global Health) is a dynamic nexus of applied prevention and public health research working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR); World Health Organization (WHO); Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS); the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Our multidisciplinary faculty has led highly effective programs in many developing countries.

Director George W. Rutherford, MD, AM, is head of the Division of Preventive Medicine and Public Health and is the Salvatore Pablo Lucia Professor of Preventive Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. PPHG works with academic, government, private organizations and community partners throughout the world using evidence-based methods to build capacity in surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, epidemiology, clinical care, and scientific best practices. PPHG has strengths in training, technical assistance and mentoring in surveillance methodologies, core and ancillary survey design, implementation, evaluation and use.

Archived Projects: 179

Project Investigator
All Organizations Start date End date
Global Strategic Information Finance analyst Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HIV testing and HIV surveillance Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Achieving durable retention in care for PMTCT Option B+: An intervention research Jaco Homsy, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate, AIDS Research Institute
Posting at the Makerere University and Johns Hopkins University HIV Clinical Trials Unit in Kampala, Uganda Jaco Homsy, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Primary HIV Prevention in Pregnant and Lactating Ugandan Women Jaco Homsy, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Crucial Transitions in Young Opioid Users in Iran Mohsen Malekinejad, MD, DrPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Epidemiological studies among drug users in Iran Mohsen Malekinejad, MD, DrPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
WHO Multidisciplinary Working Group on Non-State Sector Dominic Montagu, DrPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Technical Assistance on Social Franchising Project Dominic Montagu, DrPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Development and Evaluation of Health Care Delivery in Developing Countries Dominic Montagu, DrPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Development of an Integrated Social Franchising/ Health Co-op Model to Address TB and HIV among Poor in Sub-Saharan Africa Dominic Montagu, DrPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Enhanced HIV Prevention in the Republic of Uganda Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Acute Hepatitis C Infection in Young Injectors Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Cambodia Integrated HIV and Drug Prevention Implementation Program Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HCV Prevention and Care Education Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
International Collaborative of Prospective Studies of HIV and Hepatitis in IDU Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Studying Drug-Using Populations in Northern California Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
New Hazards for Young Women Sex Workers; Effects and Crises Arising from Recent Anti-Trafficking Laws in Cambodia Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Prevention in Peruvian Men Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Amphetamine-Type Stimulant (ATS) Use HIV among Young Female Sex and Entertainment Workers in Cambodia Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Culture and HIV Prevention in Cambodia Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Acute Hepatitis C Infection in Young Injectors Kimberly Page, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
UCSF-Mexico Collaborative International Health Program in Internal Medicine John Peabody, MD, PhD IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Sarlo Foundation Philippines Project John Peabody, MD, PhD IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Improved Health Sustainability in the Philippines John Peabody, MD, PhD IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
The Development of a Physician Risk-Based Payment Incentive Model John Peabody, MD, PhD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Children's Resiliency Program John Peabody, MD, PhD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Health systems analysis John Peabody, MD, PhD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
The Philippine Child Health and Policy Experiment John Peabody, MD, PhD IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
The Seventh Vital Sign: Predicting Expenditures with a Global Health Status Measure John Peabody, MD, PhD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HIV Group Facilitation Curriculum Development and Training George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Training Course on Evaluation Design and Methodology George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
ECHPP Evaluation George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Tuberculosis Risk Reduction Project George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Center for International AIDS Support, Training, and Evaluation (CIASTE) / University Technical Assistance Project in Support of the Global AIDS Program (GAP) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Development and Facilitation of Scientific Workshop in South Africa George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
CDC Tuition fees for the SI team-P George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
CAPS/Fogarty Visiting Scientists and In-Country Research Training Activities George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Writing Workshop on Smoking in South Africa George Rutherford, MD Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS), Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
UCSF-GSI Technical Assistance in Strategic Information and Health Systems Strengthening under NAM-PHACTS (Program Area C: Strategic Information Activities) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Bioterrorism Emergency Preparedness George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Mozambique Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey (TGF 016-104) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Tanzania: Implementation of Strategic Information Programs for the Prevention, Care, and Treatment of HIV/AIDS for PEPFAR George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
ICOHRTA Visiting Scientists Program George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Enhancing Strategic Information Capacity for HIV/AIDS Programs in Kenya through Surveillance and Epidemiology and Monitoring and Evaluation under the U.S. PEPFAR (Program Areas A & B) George Rutherford, MD Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS), Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
WHO Cochrane Project: Systematic Reviews for GRADE Profiles for HIV Infected Children George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Guidelines on Health Services Delivery for People with HIV George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
STD and Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Control George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Rwanda Triangulation George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
International Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies (ITAPS) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HIV Measurement, Surveillance & Evaluation Methods Consortium George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
International AIDS Training Program George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
WHO Cochrane Project: PMTCT Project George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
ICOHRTA - Brazil Scientists Program George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Recent Infection Surveillance Consortium George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Tuberculosis Free California George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Global AIDS Technical Assistance Triangulation Project and Case Study in Botswana George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
International Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Technical Assistance to CDC-Ukraine, Network ACCESS-Pro and the Ukrainian Public Health Center George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Interventions for Improving Retention in Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Programs (PO 200988865) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
BCP and HBAC Cost-Effectiveness Analysis George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Support for Male Circumcision Evaluatation Meeting George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Implementation of The Global Fund's Programmatic Quality Assurance and Improvement Approach George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
HIV Prevention for Sero-Discordant Couples George Rutherford, MD Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS), Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
Uganda METS District (Activity B) George Rutherford, MD IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
Impact Evaluation in Malawi George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Valley Fever Vaccine Project 2010 George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
WHO Adolescent Disclosure (PO# 200612583) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Uganda METS M&E (Activity A) George Rutherford, MD IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
Late Starter Study George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
GH Tech Project: MNCH/FP/HIV George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Mozambique Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey (TGF 016-104) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
WHO Adolescent Community-Based Approaches (PO# 200616590) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Technical Assistance for KPMG Response to Global Fund-issued RFP George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Viral & Rickettsial Disease Laboratory (VRDL) Project George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Uganda METS CBS (Activity C) George Rutherford, MD IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
Global Fund Prospective Country Evaluations George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
WHO ART Guidelines - When to Start (PO 200670959) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Guide to Community Preventive Services George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention George Rutherford, MD Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Uganda METS HMIS (Activity D) George Rutherford, MD IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
Hanoi School of Public Health GIS Workshop George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
WHO ART Guidelines - What to Use (PO 200671213) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Immunization Branch Contract George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
International CAPS/Fogarty Visiting Scientists George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Specialized Infectious Disease Control Program George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Population-based HIV Impact Assessments in Resource-Constrained Settings under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
WHO Cochrane Novel Strategies to Prevent MSM HIV/AIDS George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
WHO Adolescent HTC Review Update (PO# 200660799) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Ghana: UCSF Technical Assistance to Support PEPFAR George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Strategic Information Technical Assistance Consortium George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management of Cryptococcus Infection (Meningeal and Non-Meningeal) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Global Fund Strategic Review George Rutherford, MD Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS), Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Valley Fever Vaccine Project George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Project SEARCH Nigeria HIV Prevention Project George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Atlanta HQ: UCSF Technical Assistance to Support PEPFAR George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Home Based Care Service Assessment Services - Tanzania George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
Development of an Integrated Social Franchising Model/Health Co-op Model George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Capacity Building and Stakeholder Relations Contract [Prime: CDC] George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Public Health Certificate Curriculum Development George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
A review of available evidence on the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy in preventing transmission in sero-discordant couples George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Tanzania: UCSF Technical Assistance to Support PEPFAR George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
WHO Adolescent HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
STD Prevention Training Center George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
University of Guyana-Vanderbilt-UCSF MPH program for Guyana George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Nigeria Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Building Support George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
Zambia Most-at-Risk Populations (MARPS) Surveillance George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
International Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies (ITAPS) George Rutherford, MD Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS), Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HIV Prev Case Management Tech Assistance, Curriculum Dev and Training George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Gay Men/Men Who Have Sex with Men Curriculum Development and Training George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Specialized Infectious Disease Control Program George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Supporting the Implementation and Expansion of High Quality HIV Prevention Care and Treatment Activities and Facility and Community Level in the Republic of Kenya under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Kenya: Strengthening HIV Strategic Information Activities - Monitoring and Evaluation George Rutherford, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Routine System strengthening (RSS) situation analysis George Rutherford, MD Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS), Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Sexual Risk of Minority Women and their Male Partners Hong-Ha Truong, PhD, MS, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), Prevention Science (formerly the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies or CAPS)
Chagas Caryn Bern, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Predictors of Cardiomyopathy Progression in a Cohort of Bolivian Patients with Chagas Disease Caryn Bern, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Novel Techniques for the Detections of Pediatric Tuberculosis in Ethiopia Caryn Bern, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Naturally acquired immunity to norovirus in a newborn cohort in Peru Caryn Bern, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Disrupting Vector-Borne Disease Transmission in Complex Urban Environments Caryn Bern, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Naturally acquired immunity to norovirus in a newborn cohort in Peru Caryn Bern, MD, MPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Impact and Cost-effectiveness of Safer Conception Strategies for HIV Prevention Joelle Brown, PhD IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health
Transmission of KSHV/HHV-8 in South Africa Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Agricultural Intervention to Improve Health of HIV-affected Children in Kenya Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Comparative Effectiveness of Pediatric HIV Disclosure Interventions in Uganda Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
CHAT: mHealth Innovation for HIV-MNCH Community Health Workers in South Africa Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Centre for Rural Health, University of KwaZulu Natal Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
ACEs Connection Network: building awareness about the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and creating trauma-informed and resilient communities Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Triangulation Resource Guide Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
WHO Cochrane Project: Antiretroviral Therapy Project Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
WHO Cochrane: Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
WHO Cochrane Couples Counseling and Testing Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Sexual Reproductive Health/HIV Linkages Evidence Project Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
An Intervention for Male STD Patients in India / HIV Related Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Provision of Technical Assistance to Strengthen HIV Strategic Information Activities Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HSV-2 Avidity Testing for Intervention for Male Sexually-Transmitted Disease (STD) Patients in India Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HIV/AIDS and Family Planning/Reproductive Health Linkages Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Sustaining Vietnam's First Anonymous HIV Testing and Counseling Center Christina (Krysia) Lindan, MD, MSc IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
METIDA- M&E related Technical Assistance and Improved Data Application in HIV Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Rwanda Triangulation II Project Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Spurring Innovation in HIV Testing and Linkage: A Crowdsourcing Approach Chongyi Wei, DrPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), AIDS Research Institute
Development of an HIV Self-testing Intervention to Reduce HIV risks among MSM: Taking the Guess Out of Seroguessing Chongyi Wei, DrPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention Science (formerly the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies or CAPS)
A Social Marketing Approach to Increase HIV Testing among High-Risk Men in China Chongyi Wei, DrPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Congenital Syphilis Elimination Cost-Effectiveness Analysis James Kahn, MD, MPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HIV prevention among female sex workers in Kampala, Uganda Rachel King, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Comparative Effectiveness of Pediatric HIV Disclosure Interventions in Uganda Rachel King, PhD, MPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
A cognitive behavioral and structural HIV prevention intervention for young Ugandan women engaging in high risk sexual behavior Rachel King, PhD, MPH IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Monitoring and Evaluation of a Malaria Control Program in Vanuatu Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
The Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Project Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
International Health Policy and Reform Network Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Global Health Initiatives Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Series Editor for Disease Control Priorities, third edition (DCP3) Dean Jamison, PhD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Que Vivan Las Madres: Scaling Up an Integrated Approach to Reduce Maternal and Perinatal Mortality in Northern Guatemala Dilys Walker, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Development of PRONTO Implementation Plan for Community-Based Maternal and Newborn Program in Kenya Dilys Walker, MD Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS), Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Improving quality of obstetric and neonatal care through mentoring and simulation training: a collaboration in Bihar Dilys Walker, MD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Individual, social, and structural factors on disease transmission in marginalized populations Meghan Morris, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Cambodia Integrated HIV and Drug Prevention Implementation Ellen Stein, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Implementation Outcomes of a Health IT Program For Vulnerable Diabetes Patients Margaret Handley, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Reaching high risk post-partum women for nutritional assessment and counseling via a telephone-based coaching program Margaret Handley, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Report on Strategies to Increase the Success of a Recent Telemedicine Initiative Aimed to Improve Access to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening among Medi-Cal and Uninsured Patients Margaret Handley, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Strengthening Indigenous Food Identity and Minimizing Chronic Disease Risk Margaret Handley, PhD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Cumulative Risk for Preterm Birth by Characteristics and Biomarkers Across Pregnancies in African-American Women Laura Jelliffe, PhD, MS Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Technology development for rapid detection and diagnosis of metabolic disorders Laura Jelliffe, PhD, MS IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Gestational Dating at Birth by Metabolic Profile: Testing and Adaptation in African Settings and Added Benefits of Test Laura Jelliffe, PhD, MS Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Designing and pilot testing methods for a cohort study of people who inject drugs for future HIV and HCV prevention research in Iran Ali Mirzazadeh, PhD, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Emergency Medicine training program in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Zlatan Coralic, PharmD, BCPS Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
Food insecurity and maternal and child health in Nepal Nadia Diamond-Smith, MS, PhD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate
HIV Global Strategic Information Education and Training in Kenya Sandy Schwarcz, MD, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG), IGHS Faculty Affiliate, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Deputy Director of the International Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies (ITAPS) Debbie Brickley, DrPH, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Operationalization of UC's international NGO affiliate in Namibia Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Program Manager Alex Ernst, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HIV surveillance, data analysis, and data use Michael Grasso, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Consultant to WHO guideline development teams Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Bio-behavioral surveillance projects and capacity-building in HIV surveillance Alexander Marr, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Aligning datasets for in-country decision making Hilary Spindler, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
HIV bio-behavioral surveillance studies in Ghana and Mozambique Kelly Taylor, PhD Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)
Tanzania projects in Global Strategic Information Susie Welty, MPH Prevention and Public Health Group (PPHG)