Nisha Acharya, MD

Nisha Acharya
Global Health Sciences Faculty Affiliate

Sponsor Location(s) Topics Start End
ADalimumab Vs. conventional ImmunoSupprEssion for uveitis (ADVISE) Trial Johns Hopkins University United States Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Clinical Research Fellowship for Nisha Acharya Genentech, Inc. United States Eye Disease and Blindness
Effect of Ranibizumab on Refractory Macular Edema in Uveitis Phase I/II Genentech, Inc. United States Eye Disease and Blindness
F.I. Proctor Foundation Uveitis Fellowship training program Santen Incorporated United States Eye Disease and Blindness, Training and Capacity Building
Fellowship - Award - 2016-2017 Pathogenesis and Treatment of Ebola-Associated Uveitis Rationale Bayer AG Sierra Leone Infectious Disease, Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Eye Disease and Blindness
First-line Antimetabolites as Steroid-sparing Treatment (FAST) Uveitis Trial NIH Natl Eye Institute India Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
First-line Antimetabolites as Steroid-sparing Treatment (FAST) Uveitis Trial NIH National Eye Institute India; Mexico; Australia Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Iontophoresis Delivery of Dexamethason Phosphate for Non-Infectious, No-Necrotizing Anterior Scieritis, Phase I Dose-Varying Study University of Pennsylvania United States Eye Disease and Blindness, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Macular Edema Treatment Trials Associated with MUST (META-MUST) Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York United States Eye Disease and Blindness, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Macular Edema Treatment Trials Associated with MUST (META-MUST) Johns Hopkins University United States Eye Disease and Blindness, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Multicenter Study in treating Macular Edema Novartis Pharma AG United States Eye Disease and Blindness
Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial Johns Hopkins University United Kingdom; Australia Eye Disease and Blindness, Drug and Diagnostics Development
Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial (MUTT) Pfizer India Infectious Disease, Eye Disease and Blindness
Phase 1 Iontophoretic Delivery of Dexamethasone for Tx of Anterior Scleritis University of Pennsylvania United States Eye Disease and Blindness, Drug and Diagnostics Development, Pharmacology and Drug Treatment
Predicting and Improving Critical Outcomes for Bacterial Keratitis NIH National Eye Institute India Infectious Disease, Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Eye Disease and Blindness
Predicting and Improving Outcomes in Bacterial and Fungal Keratitis Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. Ethiopia Infectious Disease, Zoonosis, Emerging Disease, and Drug Resistance, Eye Disease and Blindness
Safety and Efficacy of Difluprednate 0.05% for the Treatment of Anterior Uveitis Alcon, Inc. United States Eye Disease and Blindness